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  1. Thanks for your response, Alex. This may be a bit too far im afraid... Looking at Swillington, Pool Bridge Farm or woodlands Can anyone offer any advice on how they are fishing? Thanks again for reading and helping!
  2. Hello all, I've been reading through the posts on all the threads and learning massive amounts. It's fantastic the amount of friendly, knowledgable people on here helping everyone else out. As you can see - I'm a virgin poster but please don't let that put you off! I've been coarse fishing for a bit and moved onto rivers a few months ago. Loving the freshwater stuff because I have always been a sea fisherman on holidays but live 100 miles from the coast! Anyway, enough babble! I'm new into Carp fishing and sit with people, learning their techniques and viewpoints while comparing them with my own thoughts and feel I have built up a nice grounding in carping theory. I have all the gear etc but I'm struggling to get my 1st carp! Had a few chub and bream on my ledger with a hair rig baited up with double 8mm crab pellets (dont ask how the bream took it?!?! Very surprised that i landed it, no idea it was there until i started bringing my line in steadily after I noticed it had slackened off!) I am in West Yorks but can travel as far as York so anywhere within an hour really. I don't want one of these overstocked, poor fish condition lakes I've heard about (and am saddened by), it's quality not quantity for me. But somewhere that is fishing well, to give me rewards for the patience in setting up and presenting bait as Brookfoot lake in Brighouse is notoriously impossible for the new (and more experienced!) anglers. I'd be really appreciative of any help I can get ps I'll be using my baitrunner with 1oz pear ledger with a 12" hair rig (crab pellets/spam/boilie as bait) and a carp feeder with a BIG 5SSG waggler at 1-2' using hard 8mm pellets - I read up on this and sounds fun if you can get them going! Thanks in advance Ed
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