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Everything posted by oggy86

  1. oggy86

    which rig?

    i've been using a d rig with bottom bait on, with varying degree's of success, but i'm not very confident in the presentation
  2. oggy86

    which rig?

    hi all, currently my club water has "no braided hooklink ban". The water is about 2o ft deep on average with no features or snags and a firm bottom, it's quite well stocked but also recieves quite a bit of angling presure. Any suitable rig ideas would be much appreciated thanks Andy
  3. I've been using the stiff "d" rig recently with bottom baits and have been having quite a bit of success, but when it comes to the hook test on the side of your hand, the hook always turns away and never catches hold. i'm currently using hooks from the korda range with an out turned eye (can't think of name) if anyone else is familiar with this rig please can you tell me what a more suitable hook may be. thanks in advance Andy
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