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  1. i try to help handav i find that power gum is the best thing for stop knots ive used it on pike rigs ,sea fishing rigs etc always leave long tails on knot so it passes through the rod eyes easy and always wet the line before sliding as the friction causes heat and can weaken the line (wetting mono stop knots doesnt help it still heats up i read this somwhere many moons ago !!! ) cheers Earl
  2. you used to be able to buy the suspender rig off the shelf ! can someone help me here im showing me age think E.T or terry eustence used to do it cheers Earl
  3. im sorry to say but i dont agree with this method at all ! Fair enough it will put fish on the the matt BUT ! years ago on a local water a couple of lads were fishing this method all well and good till a family of swans dropped in through their lines !!! as usual a lot of swearing and tangled line went down JMHO Earl how about a suspender rig instead
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