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Everything posted by armobeast

  1. I had my fish from the margins near the industrial estate as i found a gravel bar here so have done a little pre baiting on a couple of spots this week hoping this will hold the fish in the swim . All your info is much appreciated mate hopefully it will help me net my first uk 30 chris
  2. now you mention it the wind did change yeah ! would you say follow the wind is a good tactic then ? im back there again on the weekend
  3. Cheers lads im confident that only the hooklink would be left if my line snapped i can fish happily again Could anyone reccomend a good way of tying a zig rig ? all the fish are cruising the surface and my baits on the bottom !!!!!!
  4. I have only been fishing for just over a year although i have been generally successful reading some of these threads about ejecting leads etc has made me wonder if my rig is safe . I use a about three foot of rig tubing with a rubber bead either side a small running lead and the barbless hair rig tied to the end . If you could confirm im if im doing anything wrong it would put my mind at rest...........Cheers
  5. could you tell me where their lakes are based ?????
  6. just got back from brooklands got a new pb 27 and a half absolutely chuffed only problem was the lake just died after the one fish
  7. Did you have much luck there ? im fishing there next week was gonna fish hawkhurst but too expensive !!!! Did you have any trouble with pikeys there ? heard they can cause a bit of bother down there !!!!
  8. i live in orpington was signed up to a syndicate near me but fell out with the bailiff i looked on their website too but there is no info on the waters they have !!!! What area you from ? any good syndicates near you ?
  9. any members of warlingham and district angling club ? need more info what waters they have etc ? These day tickets are killing the bank account !!!!!!! any help would be greatly appreciated
  10. cheers for that lads tight lines
  11. hi everyone im looking to fish hawkhurst next week i cant decide whether to fish main lake or dove lake ? and what baits to take there ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. did you have any luck on dove lake ? im fishing it next week
  13. hello mate a couple for you to try if you want a good fun days fishing catching lots of carp between 5 and 10 pound try little cansiron farm just down the road from edenbridge high street. However if like me you want the lumps there is a beautiful place called gabriels again 5 mins from edenbridge high street he has a rule that you have to catch an 18 pounder from his smaller lake before you can fish his specimen lake but once you do my god its worth it good luck mate let me know how you got on.(p.s i would reccomend using hallibut pellet with hallibut pop up at gabriels as it has worked like a dream for me )
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