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  1. Thanx I will take a look
  2. anybody got any recomendations for sum cats? ive done shatterfod, pool hall and need a new challenge. any tips????
  3. Isnt it strange that nobody has chosen to defend this woman? Please dont be put off fishing shatterford as it does holds sum great fish, just be prepared for the crazy lady.
  4. cos ive been going there a long time and dav is sound.
  5. the person that told me i trust, so i would say its the truth. and if yr mate is dav i know him to.
  6. holt pools is a great venue, nearly a garenteed catch. its opersite top barn. find top barn on google earth and its on the othe side of the main road about 1/4 mile away. there are 3 pools all with a 30 in. plenty of action but mostly early in the morning and last thing. they also love dog biscuites free lined.
  7. yep 100%. i know sum1 there and will keep u posted any other changes.
  8. live bait update: £1.25 and they bing them to ur peg. thank for common sense. i have also heard that to lads fishing in pegs spaced 1 apart ( to give them more water cos it was quiet) was asked to pay for the peg in the middle!!!!!!!! she said she would struggle to sell it. this is the best ive heard yet.
  9. A friend of mine has just called to say that he has seen sum1have a 19lb cat of the masters he was using a beachcaster stlye set up, my friend also told me that the guy cought it dangling a live bait (sounded complicated to me) . My point is that a big fish ate a little fish, did u here that myra.
  10. its not just the fact u got to get them urself, you cant fish for them in the cat lakes (erics and masters, i dont class stewarts as a cat water) so you have to take 2 lots of tackle and fish on 2 lakes. they need to sort this out.
  11. now that quad bike needs to sorted. thats not the 1st accident with that. Ivan dropped of some live baits to 2 anglers on the masters, he parked at the top of the bank and walked down with the bait. The halfwit forgot to put the hand brake on and it crept round from the fence at the top and came down the bank at a fair speed. A bloke on the other side of the lake shouted and the 2 anglers and ivan had to dive out the way as the quad crashed over the wall and straight into the lake (this was inbetween peg 3 and 4) just missing an angling techcnics bait boat. they helped him drag it out and for there efforts got a 24h sesh for free. not bad compo considering they could have been seriosly injured or the bait boat (£1000 with sonar) could have been distroyed. another great advert for shattyford.
  12. i love fishing there but if she keeps up that attitude then i will have to find another venue. i spend a lot of money there every year but if this stupid live bait rule is kept then im gona find another catfish water to go to.
  13. ah nearly forgot, the masters has a bad leek on the dam wall that she claims has been fixed, it is far from fixed. my mate fished erics last sunday and videod his son playing a nice double and you can see the puddles at the bottom of bank. this weekend erics is fully booked and masters is empty, this shows that the regulers know that the masters is not fishing well so they go on erics, but if you phone and ask "myra" she tells you that its all fixed.
  14. lol, why cant they use the quad to take ur stuff to erics? they use it for the noddys. I rearly do love fishing there (after the walk) but she gets right on my nerves. if you ask about fishing for cats she will tel you that they dont get caught on live baits they only eat spam. If they got to 70lb eating spam then she must be a page 3 model. (shudddering at the thought). If you fish a day ticket there now its £17.50 + £5 to fish for your lives.
  15. This lake is prime big carp and cat water and is set in a lovley valley. the cats goto 70lb and the carp 40+. The lady that runs it must be the worst fishery manager there is. This year they have new live bait rules that you have to catch ur own, thats fine by me but you cant catch them from masters or erics (the cat lakes) so you have to go to 1 of the other pools to get ur lives, STUPID. The "lady" in question comes accross as rude and unaprochable. My other gripe is with the matchmen that make more noise than a heard of elephants while setting up then silence when it suits them. they should know better considering one of the match anglers "ivan" is married to the lady in charge. A fantastic fishery with fantastic fish but it goes downhill from there. Any comments?
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