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  1. im defo going up there in the next 2 weeks, any idear with bait boiles, spoding, price just genaral stuff pealse
  2. i no this may have been asked but im in a huge rush and i need to find some were to night fishin on a day ticket around colchester for this tues coming becuse i can't get to a12 lakes lpease respond quickly thanks, ed
  3. ok cheers pal, yh when i went these kids were catching like every 30 mins and casting every 2 mins shouting
  4. hey all im going away in the summer to a place called marsh farm near Saxmundham, Suffolk i fished there a year back and only maganged to catch 1 15 but every 1 seamed to be pulling them out, and tips baits swims that sort of thing cheers Ed
  5. what did u catch your fish o a weely then, as ive never fished there befor, any tips please any would be welcome
  6. if i see they in an area i can fish how do i cast without spoking them and compleatly ruining my chances of catching
  7. hey all i was just wondring how do u find fish on a new venue what sort of signs am i looking for or were to fish on the venue Thanx Ed
  8. i mean a12 lakes and yeah i looked at the thread cheers pal
  9. yeah i no snakes anit easy buy yhh il get in touch with you bout tagging along if u dont mind but have u fished 12 lakes?
  10. yeah i wouldent mind taggin along getting tips and all, but parents yano lol well were do u night fish ? and as i havent fished weely i wouldent have a clue what to do there what swims bait tatics, eg
  11. hi im from harwich, i dont mind travling, but not stuip ammounts as im not the driver and my pb is 15 and i realy want a big 1
  12. hey all im new to the forum, im a member of caps, but sadly i cnt night fish there got to be 16 ( 16 in 4 months) and i got a new bivvy and im dyin to get out there and night fish, iv read all of the weeley posts and its put me off alot that every 1 seams to blank, i just need to find some were to night fish on a day ticket, and im not 1 of those chavy kids that cast every 2 mins as you have said in your other posts just please get back to me soon as im dying to get out there !!
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