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  1. Fished last night from about 4pm until closing at 9.30. Had 5 runs but only managed to land 2. One was a real old warrior of a tench that only had one eye. The other was a common just over the 15lb mark. Fished all my baits in the margins with a scattering of freebies(hemp and boilies). Much better result!
  2. Has anyone fished the match pool at Bishops Bowls recently. I'm doing a 24hr session there next week and just wanted a few tips. Bed of bait or bags in the margins. Thanks guys
  3. I caught mine on White Chocolate 15mm boilies. My fish came from the margins. I did put out a bed of bait but didn't get anything from it. How big was the Catfish. I think one of them would frighten the life out of me! Lol
  4. Couldn't make Jubilee Pools today, long story, so went to Dog Ln fishery. Spod tactics didn't really work. Had 2 from the margins. One went to 15. Not a bad day i suppose but not really fireworks! Not having much luck this year.
  5. Looks really nice and i only live down the road. How did it fish?
  6. Fished here yesterday on the Mitre pool. How much weed? It's literally clogged with it. Spoke to the bailiff who delighted in telling me that there were a few 40's in there and some 60's in the greenhill pool(the one that you can't fish anymore. It's the old trout lake). Not sure i beleive that. Anyway it was a tough day and i blanked on the Mitre pool, but i did get to watch a group of 5 small tench feeding on some sweetcorn and hemp that i had thrown in the margins. That was good. I'd seen carp feeding before, the carp were grazing eating loads of sweetcorn in one go, but the tench were more tentative taking a piece and then going away and coming back for more. Felt quite privilidged to see that. Anyway haven't given up on the Mitre pool. I will return, just need to find some better spots.
  7. By speci water do you mean the mitre pool. The large one the match pool side of the tunnel? What sort of size do they go to?
  8. Has anyone got any up to date info on Bishops Bowl Lakes in Warwickshire, in particular the Mitre Pool(the big opposite the match lake) and also the Blue Pool(the one through the tunnel). Details of any catches, rigs, baits would be great. Thanks Neil
  9. I have recently bought a ticket for Jubilee Pools Ryton on Dunsmore after recommendation. Been fishing it a couple of times a week for 6 weeks. The most if have had out is 2 fish in one day. A carp of 14.8 and one of 11.5. Everytime i walk round and ask people how it's fishing, including the bailiff, i'm always told it's fishing really slow. Anyone had any better results this year or is it fishing really slowly in general. Thanks in advance
  10. Can anyone tell me if i need a Pod to fish at Clattercote or is there provision for rod rests. I really don't want to have to carry a Pod. Thanks all
  11. I just returned to fishing after a year of refurbishing my house. I have the wonderful Clattercote reservior down the road from me. I was wondering if anyone has fished there for carp, and also can i use rod rests there or do i need to use a pod. Thank all
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