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    fishing/ football

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  1. hi windmill lakes, looks good nice lake plenty of big carp but i should have said in my original post were looking for some where that offers transport from dover or an airport pickup service as i dont fancy the drive.
  2. hi guys me an my mate are hoping to go some where in france next year any suggestions where we should go? it will be our first time in france we want some where were going to have a good chance of bagging a few 20`s 30`s an a chance of some think bigger. Also would like some where that offers transport from dover or an airport pick up. dont want a hard water to fish or any where you to have fish long distances to get on the fish, ive been looking at crete lakes and murphys lake any 1 been to these? Thanks andy
  3. really did he say why? i was going to go wed or fri
  4. any one fished the specimen pool(leighton) lately? or any one got any tips for me?
  5. hi mate been there once late last year it was a cold windy day an chucked it down but managed 3 and lost 3 nothing big averaged 6lb but ballif told me there are lots of big uns in there, think he said biggest out was 30lb and that pellets were the best bait. so i changed from boillies to drilled out hallibut pellets and the runs were pretty much instant. i fished to the overhanging tree off the island but be carefull if u do as i got snagged a few times hence the lost fish. hope this helps and good luck. let us know how u get on
  6. ha ha dont no about a 36lb mate well ive never heard of any over 20 cummin out and biggest ive had is about 15lb think its just baliff trying to big it up mate. i thought the bigger ones were in the bottom.
  7. i had a 32 out of there on a zig try black foam tipped with 2 fake maggots and just fish as close to the middle as u can this is where they will be. good luck mate
  8. try zigs mate and see website for up to date catch reports
  9. Monument fishery shifnal shropshire i no a lot of you dont like the place but its probaly one of the only waters in the midlands that matches your criteria although a little bit bigger at 9 acres and is expensive but it does hold a big head of 20`s and 30`s and a few 40`s. i smashed my pb there with a 32lb mirror not my ideal carp water but its got the fish in it.
  10. so what am i doin wrong then? went last sunday fished to the inlet with double 10mm pineapple boilies over pellets and 1 to the island alternating between pellet an boilie only had 1 fish about the 7lb mark from the inlet. blanked the first time i went although the pool was full an it was boiling hot an nobody was catching.
  11. Peg 12 mate
  12. Just got back from 24 hours on merrington wasnt sure wether to go after reading some of the comments but glad i did had a 23lb mirror and a 27 lb 8oz common both on maggots an half a lobworm on a maggot clip. Both fish were in perfect condition will def be goin again sum time soon
  13. the pool at the bottom of the map next to the a518 is the middle pool and the other one is Trench pool.
  14. Hi guys has any one fished the old carp lake or thompsons recently? is it worth the 2 hour drive for a 24 hour session? any feedback at all would be great, dont get to do many overnight sessions so dont want to waste it on some where thats no good.
  15. cheers mate might give it a go sometime soon
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