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  1. I think you meant this one: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=26332 Maybe it makes more sense to be in the rig tying stickies? Not sure since it is in context of mainline....
  2. Could stuff the bag with pva foam sticks / packing peanuts
  3. If you don't have the braid yet you can get a coated hooklink and just strip away some of the coating near the hook end so that the swivel end is more like mono and won't tangle/coil up as much. This won't really "kick it out" as much though.
  4. Oh I didn't mean it would be made more dangerous. What I meant was that if you were concerned about a single fake bait not catching and were banking on the carp "just picking it up", then a running rig would be counterproductive in this scenario because you aren't planning on the carp actually running with the fake bait. I guess I was just interested if anyone had solid takes with only fake maize on a running rig? It seemed close enough to Kev's question as to not hijack.
  5. Are any of you trying this with slack running rigs though? edit: I mean, with the concern of using a single fake particle this would make things worse right? Daryl's comment seemed to suggest a semi-fixed setup, or a bolt rig at best.
  6. Just found this again: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=37835
  7. I spent a day fishing size gama 6's with light drag and a 8lb hooklink and didn't have that problem again lol.
  8. Some like spooking them by throwing bait out (if they are close enough) and then casting. I have had luck baiting and then casting as well as in the reverse order so I'm not convinced it matters. The other day I threw a handful of groundbait out, then hit my spot dead on with a cast... I didn't even have a chance to let my drag off from the cast and set my rod up before a biggun broke my hooklink on a quick run.
  9. Look for their fins splitting the water and at least here they tend to jump out of the water a lot, maybe to check for anglers
  10. Sorry if this is a repetitive post, but I have done a good amount of searching on and off of this site for a comprehensive comparison of the different styles of hooks (straight eye, outward turned eye, curved shank, long shank, wide gape, ...you get the idea). There are some basics that pretty much everyone knows, the conclusions we draw from our experiences, and the assumptions we make but I was just hoping to read more on the subject. So far the best I have been able to come up with is http://www.carp-fishing-tactics.com/carp-hook-patterns.html Can anyone point me to a more in-depth article?
  11. Well by getting rid of the swivel I'm using mainline straight through and also removing the hooklink.
  12. That makes sense, thanks dj
  13. How do you adapt this as a hair rig?
  14. Make sure you have your camera with you when you catch him
  15. Thanks for the detailed response I will attempt the rig when I get home tonight. One thing I tried before going to bed last night was cutting a piece of mono and tying the loop in it. Next I put the other end through the eye of the hook and snelled the line against the hook shank. Now I have to decide how to secure that hair piece of mono if I'm to go that route. I'm not sure if snelling is still as strong if you have 10+ windings of mono?
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