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Everything posted by fourseasonscarper

  1. Hi fella's, my self and my 2 fishing buddies have been looking at Bosmere carp lake in needham but getting very mixed reports from locals (or the lack of em) i know its an FMS water but 2 people weve spoken to about it were not hardend Carp Anglers so could not offer too much advice about what is in the lake, although i know its apparently a hard water for carpers, (im accustomed to this type of fishing) problem is we cannot get any info about what is in the lake, to be honest its only £80 a year but i dont wanna pay to fish a water full of 5 pounders. Does anyone know how many fish are in there and what sizes they go to? We did spend 4 hours there a few days ago just looking at the water, luckily the sun was out and we were able to see a few fish, however we saw nothing over the 8-10lb mark so im concerned as we have heard sketchy reports of the water holding 30's or fish pushing that magic weight, could this be true or are just having out legs pulled? Any light shed on this would be great, and i mean any advice no matter how small will be very appreciated. Thanks alot guys/gals.
  2. I see so when the fish pics up the bait the hooklink swivel slides down the leader and stops at the lead? Seems like a good idea. Thanks for that its been winding me up
  3. Hi everyone i have done a search in this and i can see lots of people talking about them but what on earth IS a chod rig? Im sitting here right now with a copy of carp talk and there are anglers talking about it in there. I dont wanna use one, i use running rig's for all of my fishing, its just bugging me! Cheers
  4. Sorry i should say new advice, as this thread is 2 years old.
  5. Hi i am revamping this thread. Can anyone share some good advice for SWP as im starting my 7th session tomorrow (9/4/09) still without a bleep. If saturday morning comes without a fish it will mark a 4 year blank, so confidence is needless to say very very low. Thanks
  6. Sorry should have searched first thanks very much
  7. Hello everyone, with this thread i am kind of hoping someone from outside of the local ipswich area has fished Suffolk Water Park. I am going on my 7th session tomorrow (9/4/09) for a 2 nighter. So far i have 6 nights over a duration of 3 months 2x 48hours 2x 24 hours. and i am yet to get even so much as a bleep and i dont get much time for fishing SWP is considered to be quite a hard water and i can vouch for that. Its is a big water with 33 pegs and depths from 3 to 12 feet. the carp in there go to 40lb or just a shade under. I am not a very "lucky" angler and what i mean by that is i know of 3 people who have just turned up there knocked out two 30's and gone home saying its too easy, i asked those people for advice on how to catch and each one said the same thing "i dunno mate i just came down, flung em out and bish bash bosh had two 30's". Ive have tried everything even walked around the water last time i fished for near on 3 hours before we even got the rods out, we did a really good examination of the water to glean as much info as we could, we ended up fishing the pegs that showed the most signs of fish and most promise due to the weather. We were both really confident until the next morning we awoke fishless. I love fishing the water but i cannot suss out what the hell im doing wrong. If anyone has fished the water with releative success and can pass on some tips i will be most gratefull. Also if you are wondering why i have not approached anglers fishing it at the time? Well i have and noone i have spoken to so far wants to offer up any help, these anglers dont consider the water hard where as i do and trying to get some advice from them is like trying to get blood from a stone. Any advice would be great. Thanks
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