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Everything posted by chef1

  1. Hello mate , i have been fishing willowcroft since november last year, i have not had a bad session really, i have had a 40lb+, i have caught 30lb+ fish through out the winter, i find cell does catch! and even though it is not a hard water i think rigs are important as always when fishing. Red maggots from late in the year right through till april have got me really good catches, try some different rigs popped up maggots are really good. Remember that those fish are pressured and have seen it all before! I find heavy baiting has not worked for me but know some people it works for. Swim selection is important! All som i have noticed since may ish they like showing them selves a fair bit, but you need to really be looking. Also i have moved half way through a session and this has done me really well, a lot of people down there set up camp and thats it!! hope this helps you can always pm me if you have any questions
  2. The cafe lake has been joined to the ressey, six island been dug out now 8 to 12 foot. well worth a visit my first trip on november the 1st did two nights had a 17lb mirror a 32lb catfish and a 40lb 8oz mirror.
  3. did you have anything then mate? cheers good advice i did not think about checking the catch book.. i guess if its been fishing well that could be a good thing or a bad thing? i guess it depends how badly its been smashed.
  4. Hi i am going to crete lakes end of march next year, has anyone been there and have any advice? i have never been fishing in france before
  5. Its got a good 100 carp in minimium. i only fished it a few times there is a good head of 20+ carp in there my mate fished it about 3 nigths a week on average over 6 months he had about 40 fish out and 70% of them over 20lb. All really nice fish good condition. Not an easy water at all but not hard! You need to be patient. its def not a runs water. Gets very busy during summer at weekends. 17. 50pound 24 hours.
  6. My mate has started fishing it this year his first 18 sessions had one fish only 18lb. But on trip number twenty he had a fourty one and it was a nice fish depends if you got the time and money. Dave Lane and a few others fish there, they catch but they catch every where.
  7. hello mate, where would you nrecommend to fish in my area can only do a 24hr session ebery other week. live about 8 miles from cranworth what about bradmoor?
  8. Does anyone have any advice or comments on this water? i found out about it on line and it said it was easy? went there for a look twice lots of people there not one carp on the bank? any advice appreciated. cheers, tight lines.
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