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    Football, Fishing

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  1. I think then that if you use pva don't scatter whole bollies all over the place and then the carp won't get confused as they will have just one area of bait to go for
  2. I live in Weeley and have been to the lakes a couple of times, the lakes at Weeley don't have a lot of fish in them, i'm led to beleive that the big lake in the middle has only got 90 fish in it - carp & cat, bream, although i don't know how many of each, i had a few bream on the feeder but only small ones, i think the lake is only about 6ft deep the first one and the "S" shaped one at the back have a few fish in them, and was told by the owner that the "S" shaped one has got carp up to 14lb, this one is used for matches The one next to the "S" shaped one near the main road has got 20 fish in it and i got a 9lb common out of it the other day The one between the big lake and the "S" shaped one has no fish in it I've only done day times so far so i can't comment on night time fishing I think the bottom lake is only a night fishing one now, although i could be wrong
  3. Can anyone help, are there any free places to fish in and around Clacton/colchester/tendring area I'm looking for places so i can take my children fishing so they can learn without it having to cost me the earth Even my 4yr old likes to have a go Any help would be appreciated Tight lines
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