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    newcastle under lyme
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  1. Hi Fellow carp anglers, here is my new p.b from march this year.

    32lb 10oz




  2. the pegs are o.k for sticks mate it will be quite muddy this time of year though. Good luck let me know how you go on. wotto.
  3. Iwas just looking at this thread,i have fished this water on and off for about 4 years. When i first started going it was a good runs water me and my mate were catching carp all the time,between 3lb and the biggest i had was a 21lb 5oz common a very nice fish indeed (THAT IS STILL MY P.B COMMON) The last few times we have been there though we have got the impression that there is not as many fish in there now,john the owner has dug quite afew different pools since we first started going there. And to be totally honest i think he has moved stock around (I HOPE IM WRONG THOUGH AS I ENJOY FISHING HERE) Biggest carp ive seen come out was 24lb but i have information that the same guy caught a 28lber when we left his name was stuart from stockport. If you stuart get to read this post please p.m me as it would be nice to meet up on the bank with you sometime in the near future mate. You know who we are chris and craig from stoke. Just incase anyone is intrested a photo of the common i caught is on the wall in the cabin in the field there is also a photo of my mate with a 17lber. Wotto.
  4. Hi mate last time i fished avoca was a couple of years ago. I did a 3 day session with a mate of mine and i caught a shed load of fish up to 17lb i also lost a 20 at the net (gutted). On the second day i was there other anglers were coming around asking what i was using? (I JUST TOLD THEM BOILIES BUT I DIDNT SAY WHICH COMPANY IT WAS FROM OR THE FLAVOUR) My mate also caught quite a few fish aswell but even he could not believe how many i was catching. Because i have not fished that lake for a while i will tell you what my winning bait was. P.M ME FOR DETAILS. wotto.
  5. cheers mate. wotto.
  6. Hi all do any of you know where me and 10 to 15 mates could go fishing for a 48hr session,and have the lake to ourselves(ENGLAND ONLY PLEASE). Any help would be much appreciated cheers. wotto.
  7. Hi mate,you could try linear fisheries in oxford. Brasenose 1 and brasenose 2 very good runs waters for you and your mates. check there website out www.linearfisheries.co.uk Wotto.
  8. If your not to bothered about size,cudmore is a good day ticket although abit pricey for a night ticket,ive had them out to 17lb on avoca lake and 16lb on tara lake. Lost a good twenty at the net a couple of years ago on avoca. I took my 9 year old lad there a couple of months ago fished tara and we had 4 carp and lost 2 not to bad for a 4hour session,i was just teaching my lad,he enjoyed it aswell thats the main thing. wotto.
  9. Forgot to ask how much does betley mere cost to join,and what size carp are in there i would be very grateful for any help cheers. wotto.
  10. lawton hall is a syndicate water £300 a year just been took over 30 members only dont know if there is a waiting list though mate. Check there web site out for more info on that one. There is a few thirtys in there,russ hall who works in pickos is on there website holding a few which he has caught.
  11. im newcastle so i guess youve already fished our local waters mate but you can p.m me if you want let me know where you fish and i will try to give so info on other venues or vise versa. wotto.
  12. Try angling lines mates loads of waters some big fish and reasonable prices aswell. check there website out. wotto.
  13. Palamar knot everytime for me,its a brilliant knot. Never had any problems with it,ive only used it with the (ESP GHOST AND KORDA I.Q/I.Q EXTRA SOFT). wotto.
  14. Hi mate have you tryed patshull ive being looking there myself. Good luck and best fishes. wotto.
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