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Everything posted by prestonlad

  1. hi all thinkin off giving this place a go at weekend just c,in if anyone has fished here, any advice or info much apriciated
  2. on my way to my first job today in barnalswick i was passin pendle view so i thought id nip in for a looki c and was supprised to see that thay had just netted half the lake to take a load off bream out and swap for some more carp. And i was also supprised to see a nice fish off 40lb 10oz sat in the net along with a lot of other nice big carp. took a few pics but not that good as it was on mi phone [/url]
  3. hi all sorry about the late report, well 2 of us fished on mill lake for 36 hours and not a sniff, all we got was a few line,rs and thats it. Dont get me wrong the weather was,nt perfect but i still expected something between all of us who were fishing that night (6 people 12 lines out ). Its a good set up but it think it needs a few years to mature and grow and im not to sure about there bein 250 carp in mill lake becuse im sure you would get some line,rs.
  4. thanks all i nipped over there today for a walk round and to have a look at the peg iv booked and i must say the set up impressed me, i also spoke to ben and he was very helpfull and said he would talk me through my swim when i set up on sat. ALL LOOKS GOOOOOD
  5. yeah iv found a few threds about this place bit mainly people slagin it off so thought it was time i gave it a go, u can only try! i,ll defently give it a report next week when i get home and hopefully with some pics of some nice fish!!
  6. hi all i know there is a split oppnion on this place but i have booked on mill lake this weekend and im quite lookin forward to it. Im just c,in if anyone has some tips or good info about bait that could help me on my way?
  7. cheers for that link there look some good waters on that list. iv been up to wryeside for a look round and it looks a good water but iv been told off a few people that its a hard water to fish, harden that others. could anyone give me some advice on baits and meathods for this place as i fancy givin this 1 a go
  8. could anyone give me some ideas of were to try around my area, im not askin for your mark X but just some decent waters i can try over winter to try and get my tactics right for summer when i,ll try and hit it hard i dont mind payin to join a syndicate just as long as its half decent. im willin to travel around to find the fishin. iv been tryin one or to day ticket waters around preston but i want to find one or two decent ones and stick at them. any info would be great. cheers guys
  9. hi all im thinking off givin horns dam a go tomorrow has any1 fishing this place befor, i went and had a peek at this place today and it didnt look to bad, any info would be great. plas any info on other waters in the local area, or if anyone fancies a go with me any time?
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