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Everything posted by adam_turner_015

  1. I know nowhere seems to offer a decent head of 20-30s day ticket iv looked at riddings but its rock hard and no night fishing, twford lakes isnt bad had everything up to a 20 and also have a look a morten and marsh lakes it isnt bad to be fair and thats a syndicate but going to be very limited places, and yeah i have found that pole fishing is something thats really big in midlands and have no clue why! Sitting with a big pole in your hands for 12 hours catching 3 pound carp isn't my idea of fun! Does anybody know of anywhere around pershore evesham area thats any good cheers
  2. Yeah astwood doesnt look bad, Must be other lakes around evesham that have some decent fish
  3. Yeah looks good might have to give that a go, not driving yet 17 driving in the summer do you know of anywhere bit closer to home; being pershore cheers
  4. Been fishing for 3 years now, Caught my a few 20's one from drayton and thats no easy feat or good fortune, and have been fishing the usual day ticket waters with carp between 10-20 with very few 20's any ideas of lakes that would offer something that gives me a chance of something abit bigger ? Cheers tight lines
  5. Hi there I have been looking for a long time now for a venue that has a good head of upper doubles and twentys in it .. iv tryed evesham vale but i just dont have the time or money to go for the 36 hours to have any chance of having a few.. also fished pinvin that is fishing brilliantly atm but its just packed full of 6-7 pounders that you have to wade through until you get to anythink decent :S just wondered if anywhere near thats fishing well and has a decent chance of catching a 20+ in on a day ticket or 24 hour venue any advice would be apprecated Tight line
  6. Cheers i have got the membership and have been a few times and blanked everytime but i think it could be down to the peg .. is there any side of the island that fairs perticulaly .. whats your PB from there? cheer n tight lines
  7. Hi there was thinking of doing a night up at PINVIN lakes some point in the next few weeks wondered hows it been fishing recently and any method working perticually well? cheers n please post back
  8. nar mate not for me i have only been carp fishing for just under 2 years n need but more practise at big carp waters but with a decent chance of a run or two .. cheers anyway i went up to JUBILEE POOLS part of the leamington membership and have managed to blanked for the third day running :S :S :S i mean iv been spoding out to the island with about 2 kg of bait and having a pineapple pop up right in the middle of the spodded area and a bottom bait with a stringer wacked as far as i can get it into open water but with nothing :S seems strange can anyone give me some advice to what i am doing wrong or mabe its just how it goes sometimes mabe .. ??
  9. Hello there .. was thinking of buying a membership for leamington spa's association for fishing jubilee pools , ryton on dunsmore wondered if it realy is worth the membership and any tactis or tips for the lake as havnt spoken to people about the lakes ?? Tight lines
  10. Hello , was thinking of fishing POOLHALL fishery near coventry wondered what the tactics are what pegs etc .. and how many fish on a average day you might get fishing the speciem pool average size etc .. ?? cheers and TIGHT LINES GUYS
  11. cheers mate aright yeah il give it ago .. whats the average in there ?? any key methods to go for and any hot pegs to get yourself on ?? cheers for the help mate also seen POOLHALL FISHERIES i wondered if anyone knew how theyd been fishing and whats the tact on the speciem pool and how many fish you could expect in a day session ??
  12. cheers mate .. il give that a go ?? i am fishing sunday barston lakes coventry any good ??
  13. Hello I was wondering if anyone knew of any big carp waters were i have a decent chance of catching a 20-30 pounder around a 20 mintue drive around evesham ?? i have tryed evesham vale and pinvin but they have a real mixture of big carp and ALOT of 3-9 Cheers for the read and please any help would be great TIGHT LINES
  14. Hi there was just thinkg of going for a night fish at barston next weekend does anyone know how its been fishing latly thanks [/b]
  15. Hiya I was wondering if evesham vale carp fishery was worth paying the £10 for the day ticket as everyone seems to be doing night fishing and doesnt look like the day ticket pegs are worth fishing.. and answers ?? How would u fish the day ticket pegs i.e casting to the far banker or what ?? cheers adam
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