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  1. After further consultation, we have negotiated a two to three day "drive and survive" deal prefereably starting on a Monday provided we show enthusiasm when walking around various markets and shops later in the week
  2. Hello again, Ideally we would fish all week, as we are full to the brim with shopping and culture. But realistically our wives and daughters would miss our sparklng company and wise counsel after a couple of days and request that we return, Tout de suite!
  3. Hello, We are staying near Tournon St Martin during the last week in October
  4. After a week in the snow on Lac du Eguzon at Easter, Two Dads and two 14yr old boys have been forced to attend a family cultural trip to France with two mums and two teenage daughters who are keen on shopping. We are staying near Tournon St Martin and are subversively arranging a couple of days fishing. We plan to fish the Creuse at Tournon, but would welcome any help on lake fishing in the region, as we understand that the Creuse can become unfishable if water is released from upstream barrages. Any advice welcomed
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