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    Lost Somewhere In Time.
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    Rock music, mainly i listen to Iron Maiden.

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  1. I discovered about a month ago, that there is more books relating to the Riftwar Saga. Which means I have to go speak to my local library. I was only aware of the Legends of the Riftwar, but I just found out (10mins ago) that there was 3 more before that. The Riftwar Legacy * Krondor: The Betrayal (1998) * Krondor: The Assassins (1999) * Krondor: Tear of the Gods (2000) Legends of the Riftwar * Honoured Enemy (2001) with William R. Forstchen * Murder in LaMut (2002) with Joel Rosenberg * Jimmy the Hand (2003) with S. M. Stirling Guess I'm going to be busy soon.
  2. Really? Personally i dont buy your viewpoint at all, but each to his own. I tend to agree with Tony on this one, as the rig will already be in the carps mouth, so how can this contribute to abrasion resulting in hook snap offs? Please ignore my comment, I appoligise, I was pretty tired when writing that (no sleep due to the heat the night before ). What I meant to say, and clearly my tiredness got the better of me, is that shrink tubing over the eye of the hook can also add a bit of security to your knots. Again, all I can do is appoligise for any misguidings I may have caused.
  3. Post removed by author.
  4. Now i could be wrong, but this is what i would think of doing. (That is, if sem-fixed is allowed) Bear in mind, that i dont use/have the need to use silt rigs at present, but i do understand the mechanics. This is just something i thought of due to your problem. Still learning myself, but one must use a little ingenuity at times eh? Maybe you could use some form of break away link at the bottom of the silt rig, so that it snaps off in the event of a snag. Instead of tieing a lead to the set up (creating a fixed lead set-up) tie a break away link, then attach the lead. (doesn't this then become a semi-fixed silt rig?) If the silt is deep, you may end up losing a few leads everytime you wind the rod in, but thats only a few pennies right? Isnt catching the fish more important? Someone please correct me if i am wrong about substituting the fixed lead for a break away link. Gordon will correct me, i'm sure of it. ^ Nothing to see here. ^
  5. Usually with a shock leader you will need at least 2 rod lengths. I only use a shock leader for sea fishing, so I cant help with tapered leaders. However, I use a 13ft rod for sea fishing. I use 26 feet of leader, 13ft for the length of the rod, 6ft drop, and 7ft on the spool.
  6. Am I the only one who uses a grinner knot? I've used this knot for countless years when sea fishing so adapted it to my carping. Never had any problems with this knot.
  7. Why are you worrying about You Know Who? You should be worrying about You No Poo!! The Constipation Sensation Thats gripping the nation!!!!
  8. I'm looking forward to the new film, not long to wait now 17th July 2009 Only thing that worries me is that they are bound to butcher it, just like the last films. Goblet of Fire was a bit of a let down, missed out too many scenes. Book 7 is going to be released as 2 films, so cant wait for those either. Release dates for anyone who is interested: Part 1 - 19th November 2010 Part 2 - 15th July 2011
  9. I quite like the harry potter books, I didn't think i would like them, but i started with Half Blood Prince and got hooked. I must have read each book in the series at least 6 times.
  10. Well, i have just finished the last book in the trilogy. I have been turned. A! Elbereth Gilthoniel!
  11. I've stayed away from reading this series of books, what with the massive hype and media sensation caused by the films. (In fact the media hype is the reason that I first heard of them) Now that the hype has subdued i've decided to pick up the first book. I'm only 192 pages into the book and its quite good. Better than i'd imagined it would be. Discussion is welcomed in this thread
  12. What an epic fantasty novel. I Could go on to write a huge review about this brilliant book, but to save time and the fact it would take me hours to put my feelings for this book into words, i shall post a review i found on the internet. The story begins in Crydee, a frontier outpost in the Kingdom of the Isles. An orphaned young boy named Pug becomes a master magician’s apprentice and two world’s destinies are forever changed. The peace that he has known all his short life disappears and is replaced by war in the shape of invaders from another world. A magically created rift in space brings together the two worlds, the world that Pug has always known and the world of the invading Tsuranuanni. Tomas will inherit a legacy of savage power from an ancient civilization. Pug's destiny is to lead him through a rift in the fabric of space and time to the mastery of the unimaginable powers of a strange new magic... This is an epic tale of intrigue and action. Raymond E. Feist has an amazing imagination and here he brings to us a war between two worlds reminiscent of Medieval Europe and Japan in the time of the Samurai. This book is not short (650+ pages) but it never feels overly long as the fine narrative guides you effortlessly through the story. The character development is also excellent and they come alive in your mind and leave you genuinely caring about what happens to them. The plot twists plus the use of two culturally different worlds make for very interesting reading. The story is set in Midkemia, a world created by Feist which also includes an impressive back history. This is the first (and by far the best) of the series called the Riftwar Saga. Silverthorn and A Darkness at Sethanon complete the trilogy. The chapter in which Pug sees the beginning of worlds is possibly one of the finest in fantasy literature. Magician was voted the 89th most popular book of all time in the BBC's Big Read Top 100. This is an extremely powerful and memorable book. If you gain any enjoyment whatsoever from reading fantasy then this is a novel that you simply cannot afford not to read. Understandably, this is one of the highest regarded books in the world. I've just started to read the next book in the series; Silverthorn, and its living upto its predecessor's magnitude.
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