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Everything posted by ianhiggins

  1. I am sorry you did not enjoy your visit to Cuttle Mill long. I do feel I have to reply to your comments. Cuttle Mill takes fish care and fish health very seriously and can report we have nothing wrong with any of our species in either lake. You have not brought this to my attention whilst you were here, I would have remebered! Fish catches have been very good this year and I'm sorry to the young lad who did not catch many, but sometimes thats fishing. I would say that this year we have had 5 spawnings with the weather this year and this can take it toll on how the fish appear around this time of year. Its natural. On occasion someone will mention if they catch a poorly fish, I then monitor any catches to see if something needs adressing. I would ask people t be carfull when making these posts as they can be damaging as I do not feel it is reflective of the quality of the fishing. I will not be entering into responses, as I do not feel it would be beneficial. Ian Higgins Cuttle Mill Fishery
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