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Everything posted by yaffle

  1. Hi chaps, Up until now I've done most of my fishing up in the meres of the northwest, but for the next year I will be spending almost all my time 20mins south of Bristol due to Uni...obviously I'm very keen to find some carping down there! I've done a bit of research and the main contenders are Bathampton AC, finding somewhere on the Bristol Avon for river carping or South Cerney AC on the Cotswold WP. I was just wondering if anyone had any information on any of these clubs/waters? By PM if preferred! I think the South Cerney AC waters will be more up my street; quiet, low-stock and nice surroundings but I just want to make sure it's worth the money and time on the M5! Any help is greatly appreciated!! Many thanks, yaffle
  2. Try Lymm Angling Club
  3. Plenty to go at on the Lymm card Drop me a pm if you want any more info
  4. I want to start using uncoated braid (Thinking of Kryston Super Nova, but open to other suggestions) for fishing on my local water (which is quite silty) to improve presentation if/when my lead dives into the silt. I've done a lot of research into the water and there's no mention of any snags at all. I want my rig to be subtle and as undetectable as possible. Would I be alright to use the 12lb braid or should I go for 15lb? As I've heard of the lighter braids causing mouth damage to the carp and obviously I don't want that! Thanks chaps, yaffle
  5. Just wondering if anyone has any information for fishing Ham Green? I'll probably be doing a day session on there later in the week so any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Yaffle
  6. Thanks very much Neil, greatly appreciated! I'm liking the look of Ham Green, as is my mate, so hopefully we'll be able to get a few sessions in on there Thanks again, yaffle
  7. Thanks Mr Devon, I'm not into guesting, I always fish legally. So does anyone know who controls the fishing rights on the Bristol Avon + Docks as well as local canals? What's the situation regarding fishing from parks owned by the council? Thanks, yaffle
  8. Hi everyone, I've started carping over the summer in Cheshire but I'm wondering where I will be able to carry on angling when I get back to Uni in Bristol? I don't drive, so somewhere close to Redland in Bristol (Walking or Cycling distance) would be great! Even better if it's free! Are there any stretches of canal that are decent? I was thinking possibly the Avon, or Bristol Docks? As I've heard these hold carp, if anyone would be able to point me in the right direction I'd be most grateful! I'm not after anyone's swims or anything like that! Many Thanks, yaffle
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