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  1. Hi all, just started to carp fish and have been to taswood lakes twice over the past couple of weeks and fished the spring lake (not one of their carp lakes) but a lake that i have been told has carp to 20lb, just wanted to know if anyone can confirm this or knows someone who has caught from this lake. i have had up to 9lb and it seems like a perfect starter lake for me to learn the trade so to speak ! any advice would be greatly recieved ! thanks Matt
  2. Hi, just returned from a days fishing where i had the misfortune of using a pack of 2 Korum mono hair rigs, only just started to carp fish and still a little unsure of using my sometimes untidy home made hair rigs, anyway i brought these in a size 10 tied to 8lb line which in turn was attached to 12lb main line and found them very neat and tidy and well made (so i thought), 1st run i hooked into the fish played it for about 20 seconds when the line snapped just under the top swivel connecting to my main line leaving the fish with the eight inch hook link minus the swivel ! 2nd run, again played the fish for about 10 seconds when the line snapped just above the hook ! how angry was i !! no real point to this post other than wanting to know if anyone has had problems with Korum hook links ? Thanks Matt
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