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Everything posted by hmgaz

  1. are you officaly spose to night fish sandwell valley ,because i rang them up a couple of years back and they told me no night fishing
  2. whats the magazine
  3. the bottoms as black as coal, went and had a look the day dont seem to have much depth and a heavy silt bottom
  4. there used to be some big pike in there but that was before the levels dropped some years back so not sure if they was taken out
  5. ok where ever you cant beat a bit of company where ever you go
  6. i only fish mid week doing bailys next wed, thursday, friday till tea dont mind bailys in the week theres nobody on it ,plus its the place where i learnd a lot of stuff
  7. i had a walk around the pool yesterday looking for a likely spot and the just before the island looks a decent peg ,also i had a chat with a bloke who fishes it on a regular basis and he reckons sombody had a 29 out ,but i dont work wed,thursday and friday so if you want to do a 24 hour sesion let us know
  8. hi there was somebody with a bivvy up a couple of weeks back i was going past in the car but never stopped ,but i know the bottoms heavy silt so would you fish it maby with a pop up, but i only live up the road so i will keep my eyes open
  9. yes its the sanna there use to be some big pike and tench in there but not sure about carp
  10. theres a largish pool in moxley near darlaston fished it years ago when i was a kid just for roach ,i was wondering if any knows if theres any carp in it
  11. how did you go about catching the 20s ,did you stick to bolies,and was it near the island
  12. theres a lot of storys about sandwell valley ,a mate of mine reckons hese had a 28 out on a prawn ,then there was the one fish being taken out and killed for food ,but theres carp in for sure
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