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  1. will try again and have a butchers cheers
  2. Yeah had a look but wont show any recent info
  3. just seeing how its been fishing last few weeks if so what's been coming out?? cant find any catch reports for it??
  4. Anyone fished this water at all?? there are two lakes and looking to do a session on the big lake. I know and heard there are alot of crays in it but some good carp too. Any info would be amazing
  5. Thank you will try have a butchers around, gotta try figure out how but sure I will
  6. Hello anyone fished Orchid lakes or lake near oxford. looking ad doing a 48hr session end of feb beginning of march any info on swims, baits etc would come in very handy. Cheers Mark
  7. Looking to do a session at Thorney weir in west drayton anyone fished it and got any hints or tips???
  8. Cheers Ian, Taken all on board. It's been a while since been down there know the pizza place too well lol. Kinda thought would be muddy banks especially with all this poxy rain. Were you part of the big 18 party down there on the weekend ive read about where big nige came out few 30's and 20's. all sounding very promising. do you know how the baliff's swims were doing?? there are three of us going down very soon but got a feeling the pipes and car parks will be taken as big favs.
  9. well time is nearly upon few of us hitting sandy to catch some beauties
  10. Hello all, I know waters will be starting to warm up slightly some what and looking to do a weekend session at Sandy in beginning of april. Has anyone been lately or know how its been doing? also does anyone have any good tips on swims etc. I did a session there few years back on the island swim had two big runs but nothing banked. i hear lots about the Baliff swim is this a goodun?
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