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    walsall wood i think, too busy thinking about fishing
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    football,fishing,fishing,fishing,fishing you get the picture

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  1. would agree with you on this one paul but it's been froze over for the last 3 weeks and there has only been three fish pulled out in the last 4 months
  2. i had a 21lber out of there last year when fishin the pole welcome to the forum
  3. cam you pm me this link your talkin about please
  4. where that mate Barston lakes is west midlands golf course hasn't there just been a thread on the socials page about this
  5. how will you be fishing with it (rod,pole etc)
  6. Ignore the SEARCH warnings. Go with an open mind and enjoy yourselves. The only caveat I'd add is keep all bait off the ground and securely stored during the night.....there are nocturnal creatures on there. Just don't take things too seriously. A tip. If you have the choice of pegs on Masters go for the one beside the small island, on the right when looking downhill. There's a ledge about 6ft down, fairly tight to the island where the better carp were caught when I was there. Enjoy. Ian welder........ pegs 4 and 5 are the ones your talking about i think
  7. it might pay for you to use the search facility before you go
  8. have you looked in the search
  9. have read all your posts and looked at the thread as well call me an amature if you will but it's opened my eyes to a whole lot more thanks guys
  10. i agree with welder but you need to look out for the rats and black sheep/rams/goats and you need to fish zigs cause nothing else seems to work(and i mean zigs 25-35feet in 36feet of water) and there are some big(68lb) cats, silver carp to 30 and commons and mirrors to 41lb. take a look @the web site www.shatterfordlakes.com
  11. you've picked one of the best places for the noddy's but more importantly the carpers guaranteed day session catch places
  12. sorry mate been away for a few days @ linear (what a few days), it's on the other side of the nature reserve from the old cafe accessed by the shire oak housing estate
  13. yeah thats the one i was talking to my sister's father in law last night and he said there koi carp and grass carp in there up to 15lb+ and a lot more than 1 8lb tench he also said he never fishes it with less than 10lb line
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