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Everything posted by chrisa112

  1. SHHHHH. Dont tell everyone. God. lul. Anyone know if this place is open on friday?? havnt been fora about two years!!
  2. oh right cheers mate - how much is the subscription and is it a good mag ? <>Chris
  3. No it isnt <>Chris
  4. Hi all, I read about an angler using Wychwood Hidden Deception the other day he said it was so stiff that he didn't have to use shrink tubing to get the hook the hook to turn in the carps mouth. Basically he steamed the the rig once it was tied to the right angle he wanted ! 1 problem is that i cant find hidden deception ANYWHERE not even on wychwoods website!!. So basically I'm looking for an ULTRA stiff hooklink that has a supple core!!! Can anyone help Cheers, <>Chris
  5. Blimey your throwing money away mate it couldn't be easier to do it yourself. It also makes it more interesting doing everything yourself Yeah - Even I do it <>Chris
  6. wow - thats pretty good i will try that !!! <>Chris
  7. Nice one mate have you got a pic of the rig - Im going to tie one up now to show you all what i mean PM me any details on it cheers, <>Chris
  8. Damn you :D ( I miss understood you <>Chris
  9. Yeah but you dont use leadcore right to the hook do you :D:D Cheers for quick reply's by the way. <>Chris
  10. Hi all, Just wanted to know what people all thought of this idea. The reason behind the whole rig was to make it virtually tangle free. I used to have it tied up but then took it down because it seemed a bit too different. It was basically a mono hooklink tied (via knotless knot) to a size 8/10 hook, but a length of rig tubing is slipped over the mono leaving a gap of about 1 inch from the hook. A swivel is then tied to the mono and that is the finished rig. Although the rig tubing did tend to slip up and down the line quite a lot so maybe small shot or putty could be helpful. This has probably been talked about before but I want your comments on it :D ( I try and get pic up soon) Cheers, <>Chris
  11. Sorry Nick <>Chris
  12. The post is done : http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=33380 comments for chavs are welcome there now back to 'me rigs ........ <>Chris
  13. nice adamak - keep your location like that and try to spell with the proper words in your posts ( :D ) and im sure you will make more friends on here, as i know there are many body builders (or the like) on here !! <>Chris
  14. EVERYONE CALM DOWN :D 1) ''adamak'' watch the swearing in your post ( i know is wasnt that bad but the moderators can still punish you for it !! ) 2) It would be nice to get to the topics of rigs 3) ''adamak'' just be carful what you say is what everyone means, you cant easily show your 'tone of voice' on a forum :D 4) ''adamak''- cheers for you comment on my rigs and finally 5) If i start a thread on ''CHAV's'' in the non-carp banter section we can all argue about it there instead of on Rig section :D Thanks, Comments welcome (ON THE RIGS ) <>Chris
  15. Interesting first post, do you have a pic of this rig. Would be very interesting to see it. yeah me too mate !! - any pic's of it charlieg ?? <>Chris
  16. haha why did he put his age in his location ? why not keep it to yourself :S I can imagine him with a slight presence of swagger and a big ''bowl'' walk - maby drop some timberlands in there and there he is ...... although i could just be stereo-typing <>Chris
  17. cheers mate - going fishing in a week soo ill porbs give it a go and ill report back <>Chris
  18. Hi all just got some ESP quick clips and wanted your advice/help! Should the hooklink be tied directly onto the clip (using a locked blood knot) (Picture 1) or should the hooklink be tied to a swivel then cliped to the 'clip' OR Should I tie a figure of eight (loop) in the hooklink and attach that to the 'clip' that way (Pictures 2 & 3) Picture One : Picture Two : Picture Three: Thanks -Comments welcome :D <>Chris
  19. yeah i wrote that below the pic :S but still no harm in trying it eh ? <>Chris
  20. probably but the boilie would slip and fall to the underside i think ... <>Chris
  21. Here : just another variation of this rig - less tubing on shank increses hooking potential - tubing all the way up hair holds boilie tight to hook and grips it ( wont slip to the underside of the hook) only thing is - will a carp feel the tubing and spit it out straight away ? Pic below : Comments Welcome <>Chris
  22. Thanks for the tips everyone good some good info that i will hopefully use to my advantage :D Thanks Again <>Chris
  23. ha ha ha i thought that didnt scan right ........ <>Chris
  24. THATS a good idea ill try it in my pond or the fishtank but i think im getting there on this ? ! ? thanks for your help, <>Chris
  25. ha ha i hope so <>Chris
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