I'm new to this forum and all this debate over leaders fascinates me. I have been doing a lot of thinking and experimenting around this subject - not always related to carp fishing. I do a lot of beach fishing and barbelling as well. I fully concur with the thoughts on leadcore. It is dangerous stuff and I don't really see the need for it.
Consider the reasons for using a leader/tubing:
- to protect against damage from gravel, weed or other snags
- a shockleader for distance casting (although I see this as really just a heavier extension of the mainline)
- to prevent tangles
- to pin down the line near the end tackle
- to camoflage things near the baited area
In my opinion, the only legitimate reasons are the first 2. By using the right set up and rig components you can fish tangle free without leaders. Fishing slack lines or using backleads / putty plus fluorocarbon mainlines helps ensure everything is on the deck. At distance, it will be anyway. As for camoflage, there is nothing more obtrusive than 4ft of 45lb tow rope running in a straight line to your bait (might as well have a flashing neon arrow!).
Also, I have read a lot recently about the use of leaders being required to prevent scale damage. In my limited experience, I have yet to have a problem when using just mainline. I would change immediately if anyone can convince me otherwise or if I see it myself. I think fish get more scale damage in their annual spawning rituals than is inflicted by lines. Anyone have any thoughts?