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Everything posted by pompeypitball

  1. the wife,me and a mate are going to rushes for the first time next oct, cant bloody wait
  2. excellent, ive been hearing really good things about rushes,off a few different people aswell, and hope to get there in the next couple of years, cant afford another one this year, and the wifes just booked 17 days in thailand next june for our 20th aniversary, so we'll be skint then aswell, but im sure i'll be able to persuade her we NEED to go , besides, kim and ian have been very kind and donated a weeks fishing as a prize in a fishing match im running in oct, and who ever wins that, will obviously want me to show em the way through france well thats wot im hoping anyway
  3. ive been to france fishing,5 times now, and ive tried off the top,and zig rigs, and never once had a take, wont stop me trying, and im sure someone has caught off the top, just not me
  4. walshey, check the top post again mate, ive never fished there, but ben has, and from wot ive been told about the bream, i wouldnt use pellet
  5. i'll leave skezzle to explain weights etc some top fish there moosh
  6. got any catch pics moosh?
  7. im going to blavet valley lakes on the 20th june, spent my birthday there last year, awesome place, and i was told berny has a few spaces in aug if your interested, a fe guys have pulled out, might be worth giving it a look, not easy hauling fishing, but the rewards are there to be caught
  8. hello moosh, have a word with berny at blavet valley lakes, and see if she's got spaces mate, excellent facilitys, im off there in 2 weeks, its my birthday whilst im there,same as lasy year, its not easy fishing, but the rewards are awesome, they can also supply all tackle and pick up from the airport,aswell as food, where ever you go, be it blavet, or rushes or another french fisherie, have a great birthday
  9. just dont mention the play off's to ian moosh
  10. cracking result mr gap
  11. i think you had better phone the owner mate
  12. i love ice red, awesome bait, have a goodun moosh
  13. cheers john, but i thought this was already compulsary last year mate, as we were told to take said items then aswell cheers anyway
  14. but its all in french moosh, i cant read french
  15. tight lines moosh.hope you haul
  16. i always fish with my missus moosh, she's good company and hauls more than her fair share, havent met kim and ian as yet, but from wot ive heard, its all good, and kim has also been so very kind in donating a weeks fishing as a prize for a fishing match im organising in oct this year, wih all money raised going to the local childrens hospice, "the chestnut tree house childrens hospice", for which im so grateful, berny from blavet valley lakes has also donated a weeks fishing, it will be a fantastic prize table, thats for sure.
  17. im sure you'll have a great time out there moosh, ive been hearing good things about rushes lake, hope to fish it myself one day soon, once finances and wife allow
  18. sorry moosh glad he's gone though
  19. cracking fish moosh, well done, shame about the complex, ive heard a few dodgy stories about val dor, so i think i'll give it a wide berth plenty of other places to fish in france moosh
  20. youve lost me there moosh
  21. havent been there myself, but a few guys of our club forum fished it last year, they had some nice fish, but had a major problem with the ammount of rats, so take some traps with you, and dont leave any food out, the rats were so bad, that the owner even loaned the guys an air rifle to sort them out, so if you dont mind rats, the fishing is supposed to be quite good
  22. tight lines moosh, hope you haul, let us know how you do, as i quite like the look of this place aswell
  23. cheers moosh foa mrs_rusheslake: i too am sorry, i was just trying to help the guy out with another choice of lake, and didnt expect your friend to get so personal, im sure your lake is a great place, and do know a couple of people who have been to your place, and absolutely loved it, long may your success continue
  24. hi mate, ive been to france 3 times now, and the last one we went to was blavat valley lakes, and it was the best by far, the owners,{gordon,berny and ross} are all great people, the lake is quite simply, beautiful, and be prepared to put abit of weight on, as the food is awesome, and plenty of it, the fishing can be hardish, but listen to gordons and ross' advice, and they will put you onto some awesome fish, last time i was there,i was hand feeding 2 50lb+ fish with corn every morning, but they wouldnt touch my bait, but thats fishing eh, if it was too easy, we wouldnt do it me and the wife are going back there in june again, i have no connection to this lake, other than being a very satisfied customers give berny a ring mate, you wont regret it [edited to remove link]
  25. heres another big YES for blavat valley moosh, give berny a call and get it booked up, you wont regret it mate, me and the wife went there last june, and was spoiled rotten for my birthday, and we're going back again for my birthday this year, and taking a mate with us for his first trip to france, and even though we dont go for another 5 months, im all excited already, you couldnt ask for nicer people, berny gordon and son ross are all great company, the food is superb and the lake is stunning. i have no conection with the owners of this wonderful place, other than being a very happy angler whose had the privalidge to fish there have fun where ever you go
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