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Everything posted by trakker77

  1. I saw the actual picture of this supposed 30, and i would give it 18-20 tops. deffo not a 30 in there or the other pool
  2. There is a carp-central social on there next weekend and the lake is booked 27th to 29th
  3. Officaly no.... do we Yes
  4. there is a lad off another forum doing the night saturday so i will go up there and see him if you let me know when you are going up there and i will have a night up there with you
  5. The sanna and wardies both have carp in have seen 2 differend low 20's on the bank in the sanna caught by a bloke floater fishing, but both pools are full of rubbish and rats everywhere so i have never been that fussed about them.
  6. Ive heard there are a few carp in there aswell of a 20lb+ sturgeon, fullblowndb are you the chap with the Glasses i spoke to on there and then i saw you on sanwell valley???
  7. I have not done as much as i would like the last 2 seasons but i always have a walk around, there are a couple of regulars on there at the weekends but they don't tell you alot, i have caught from the bay as you walk onto the pool to your left and from the sandbanks round towards the island. I have had my fish on boilies along with loads of bream and tench.
  8. Deffinately a few 20's in there, ive had them out myself upto 24lb and have seen a photo of a dark mirror 28lb last year, not an easy water but worth a go
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