I went to Alton Towers on friday and walking from ride to ride through the woods I saw a nice little lake, I stopped being an angler and wondered what would be in there, I saw shoals on roach and rudd under the surface. I had some sarnies in my bag and thought why not throw a few bit's of bread in and see. I had thrown about 3 little bits in when a carp of at least 30lbs came no more than 2ft away from me a took the lot with no hesitation. I was shocked! I then walked a bit further round the lake to see a perch or record size sitting on it's own again in the margin watching a shoal of very small rudd when suddenly it sprank into action and took two of them! I was gutted I didn't have a rod and some worms with me! Later in the day we walked past the big lake there where the golf green is in the middle and I can't believe how many big fish there are! All I wanted to do was grab a method feeder and chuck it in! There were at least 100 20lbs + carp all in the margins feasting on whatever you gave them! Does anyone know if you can fish this place in the off season? would be another good money making effort i they allowed it!