this is a common letter at the request of various parties who participated in rescue PONT DU DOGNON ... it is obviously edited on other forums ...
Haute-Vienne land of legends
By: Laurent Fougeras delegate UNCM 87
Dominique Iacona, Chairman of TCC87
Jérome Pradignac, regional president of GN Limousin
Bernard Beauplant, secretary of Carp Club Saint-Junien
In spring 2008, before the imminent emptying of dam Maureix, said "Le Pont du Dognon" carps grouped into the clubs and associations (UNCM, GN, TCC87, Club Carpe Saint-Junien) refuse the loss of a herd of single carp in Haute-Vienne.
Together and demand the FDPPMA87, they go fishing day and night several weekends from April until June, thus saving tens of carp in a drainage that EDF and FDPPMA87 envisaged as deadly for the entire fish population of the lake.
Regarding this, it is 43 carp for a total weight of 495 kg that were rescued by fishermen. Among these fish, there were 11 carp over 15Kg including the largest which is 29 Kg.
These carp are added those recovered during the draining of the dam, together with professional fisherman hired by EDF.
In total, 1200 are carp, including several specimens over 15 kg that are saved and put into stalls at the fishfarmer Paul Baudon in agreement with the FDPPMA87, waiting for the release of dam water.
The months passed and finally the time to release these fish in their home coming.
On 22 January 2009, the farmer draining the pond which is home to carp recovered Dognon to release them.
In place of the 1200 set stall, only 400kg of carp from Dognon. All fish over 15 kg were lost without exception.
Incredulous, the leaders of clubs and associations who participated in rescue require explanation for these disappearances. Indeed, if the price of kg of carp from a fish farmer is about 15 €, it is quite different carp called "trophies" or "specimen" whose prices, according to our sources can reach 1500 € to 7000 € THE CARP ! on the parallel markets. Haute-Vienne is unfortunately very high in private ponds doubtful where the demand for this kind of specimen is still important and difficult satisfied because of the difficulty of producing large fish (> 15Kg) through fish farming. Hence our questions about the disappearance of all the carp over 15 KG. Approximately 65 fish "trophy"! We believe that if the carp were dishonestly sold, the seller could draw 30 000 to 40 000 € !!!!!
We therefore received on Wednesday 28 January 2009 in the premises of the FDPPMA87 in the presence of Mr. Baudon and some board members of the FDPPMA87.
In our questions, the farmer can not answer that by assumptions.
It assumes, for example, that 800 kg of dead carp are missing. It assumes that death is due to their age, their health following their capture by fishermen, or the difference in quality of water between the dam and the water the aillant received.
The problem is that about 800 kg of carp missing, none was found on the surface, which could alert the farmer. It assumes that they have sunk, we stated that it is very rare for a dead carp back surface.
Faced with so many mysteries and assumptions, we request that the pond is empty stall again to find any traces of dead carp.
Saturday, 7 February 2009, we go to the scene in search of remains of these dead carp disappeared.
Upon arrival a carp dying in the still water of the pond. A thought comes "Oh, it stands that there" ...
After careful observation, we can find a few remnants in the vicinity of the pond of 4 or 5 carp that are assessed for fish between 5 and 8 Kg. Nothing on the merits, however, if the dead carp flow, as the farmer, we should find traces of them. We speak well of 800 kg of fish have disappeared, all fish between 15 and 29 KG. We can not imagine it does nothing in so little time.
Following this vein attempt to raise suspicions and misunderstandings, doubt persists.
Assumptions of the farmer, we have only to raise questions.
-How does a farmer relying on 20 years of experience can he lose 800 kg of carp in a few months?
-Everyone is agreed that a dead carp back surface sooner or later. In this case how is it that no body had been found and that on only 10 ha of water?
-If the dead carp remain in the background, as the farmer, how is it that we can find no remains of these fish? Is it possible that the carcasses of such specimens disappear completely in so short a time?
-On the FDPPMA87, there was no signed agreement with the farmer in relation to stall Dognon of carp in the pond this year. Also no agreement on the return of these fish in their native environment. Is this legal?
He has also been signed any authorization for the transport of carp over 60 cm entitling the FDPPMA87 carry carp recovered up to the farmer. Articles L.436-16 and L.436-17 of the LEMA 30décembre dated 2006 prohibit the transport of carp over 60cm at any amateur fisherman. Violators face a fine of 22 500 €.
-The FDPPMA87 yet sensitized by multiple couriers to traffic UNCM carp specimens in Haute-Vienne and all abuses arising mafia has not seen fit to keep pond fish farmer, very isolated , while it was home of the carp Dognon, including several specimens. Is it legal and feasible when put in its constitution the protection of the aquatic environment?
To all these questions, we have no answer, apart from vague assumptions of the farmer.
The FDPPMA87 do not want to complain considering that there is no concrete evidence to incriminate anybody. We can only recognize and deplore the attitude of one who is supposed to represent the interests of fishermen and protect aquatic environments. A failure to fulfill its mission it bowed to the assumptions of a farmer who is unable to provide any concrete explanation on the disappearance of hundreds of kg of carp specimens that had been entrusted.
We, the fishermen have the intimate conviction of having been deceived, sacrificed on the hotel of the money, especially when you have an idea of the value of such fish in a market of private plans still water in full health in Haute-Vienne.
Thus, in our limousines land where mysteries and beliefs fuel vigils since ancestral times, a new legend is born, the carp specimens ghosts of Haute-Vienne.
But the story does not end there. The collective of associations that works for the rescue does not think for a moment that all this effort to save the carp Dognon may end in failure. Letters relating these facts will be sent to the FNPF, the General Council of Haute-Vienne and the local press. An article will also be published in the press "carp." Carpiste The movement grew out of an ethic that is respectful of the fish and the environment. The carpiste is also supportive. So join us and do respect those values.
To be continued ...