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Everything posted by craftyshaun

  1. I have been using it with the mouse trap set up the main reason is the water i am fishing the carp are very twitchy so in my own mind I think this is the best way to fish it on this type of water, I have tried it out on other waters especially in the beginning as they are a lot easier to get a run from just to tweak the rig and make sure it was working ,when I used a running lead the carp was not self hooking as norm so I was slack lining but setting my clutch tight and this help ,so I changed over to the mouse trap and it worked really well, but I try and always use the biggest lead I can when I am fishing my fav Is a 4oz flat pear , as you well know the lead set up you use will alter you bite indication drastically and also the hooking ability of your rig , I do put a lot of thought in my lead set up id say just as much as we all do with the rig we use for our waters
  2. Thank you for your for your kind comments I really do appreciate them , I am not a bad fellow ranting on all the time I lost my way a bit , I will help anyone out at anytime at the drop of a hat as you rightly said there is no need for it ;this year iv been helping under privileged kids with the local council just taking them carp fishing and letting them experience what it is like,,,,, in return they go to school and keep out of trouble and it has worked fantastically well ,that’s why I love this sport so much , you see a young lad who has never really had much in is life through no fault of there own you spend a little time with them and when they catch the smile on there faces tells you they have had a good time ,that’s what makes me tick thanks again,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shaun
  3. i apologize for my rant and did not mean to offend anyone i have the upmost respect for you all i got it wrong and acted like a child ,all your comments where fair and on reflection there was no need to spit my dummy out ,goblin ,salokcinnodrog,666carpcatcher sorry lads no ofence was intended x x x love you all keep them reels screaming
  4. nice one anyone in my book who trys out there own ideas is a worthy carper i will go and have a look at i would sooner try and fail then never try at all
  5. i totaly agree its no (wonder rig )like i sed in the beging its just nice to make your own stuff and try it out and wen it works thats even better but when it works well its fantastic
  6. thats like saying a donkys a horse
  7. yes mate ,whe you use it and you hook in to a fish just look at the hook position ,its allways in the center of the bottom lip , it can help in other ways to if you use a difrent hook bait on each hair ,im assuming the one near the lip is the one it has picked up so you can mess around with he type of bait and come to your own way of thinking , i have my own thoughts about it and thats why i did it ,its like every thing if you dont try things out you will never know ,
  8. [/img i have had to make the rig like this so you can see it but dont forget the rig is made with korda iq fox armor long shank hook but before you start ripping it to bits go and try it out ,it has caught me loads of fish ,i would like to point out the double hair is made with fox snare and not iq like i sed before any braid will do, all i ask is you let me know how you get on with it , the hooking ability is bang on you will c for your self ,i use a small mesh bag on the hook to stop the hairs from tangling so there it is ,,,,,,, any questions
  9. just going to make one now and take a few pic of it i will put it on some time today tho mate
  10. this is the lake iv been on about thank god iv sorted it out
  11. iv done as you asked i just cant get the pics on help
  12. see if this works
  13. iv tried that mate but i will try again
  14. photo bucket , iv allso got kodak
  15. iv been trying to get a pic to this site but i cant its not a blag as iv sed before,, so i will try and explain it to you all for this rig you will need size 10s long shank fox armor hook ,korda iq 10lb bs shrink tube 0.5mm ..... tie a 6inch lenth of iq to the hook use a knot that you are happy with put the shrink tube on 10mm in lenth and steam it in to a progresive bend pull the line through the tube using a needle about 3mm from the end so you have a liner/liner , now tie a small loop to another leanth of iq you will need about 4 inches and thread it through the eye of the hook and put your hook bait on the end with the loop on ,leave an inch from the eye ,at the other end do the same and tie a loop , place a bait on this side as well 9 they dont need to be the same bait ,so know you should have what looks like a dumb bell from the eye of the hook , every fish iv caught with this rig has been hooked dead center of the bottom lip the way i fish it is the (mouse trap ) i use 17lb xline as my main line to this i use a flouro leader and a 4oz inline leadthat i have camed up using red builders sand to match the bottom i tighten my main line so the tip of my rod is bent over has much as i can without moving my lead , as soon as the fish move the lead the rod tip springs back and hooks the fish ,because the take is so quick the fish dont know wot has happend to them the hook is dead center in the bottom lip wot ever bait the fish pick up the other bait acts like a counter balnce and turns the hook forcing it to fall , if you get my drift ,,,,,
  16. this is the water i have been usingthe rig on
  17. iv been on to photo bucket and up loaded the photos but when i try to paste them on hear it wont let me .........advice please lads
  18. thanks for your advice ,if it helps others to get more fish on the bank then that is worth it for me ,we all have to go out a make a living so time fishing is very short copaired to every thing els i hope it will make it much more enjoy able like it has for me
  19. iv never seen one like it before im trying to uploaded some photos of it but having trouble doing it ........ any help out there........ no its not a blag its just some thing iv been trying out for a long time and like every thing it needed a few thing sorting out but thats all done now ,just look at the hair rig when that first came out every one was scratching their heads saying no way that will work but now it seems to be fishing its self out as every one uses it ,with this rig if you have a pick up and the fish get away with it (very unlikley then you will know ) and you can ajust the tention on the hook link and not your main line ,not only that the fish do not spook off it , and in the early stages i was trying to make the rig as natural as possible in the water dont for get he lake where im fishing is clear has tap water and very deep it has a leadge of 4 foot all round the lake wot the club put in when they first got the lake for match men how ever as soon has they finished it the water levle coverd it ,and just after the leadge its 18 feet deep and keeps dropping down to 45 feet , there is only 4 or 5 pegs that you can fish in comfort the rest you have to clime down a very steep bank and you are sat on top of the water but the fish swim up and down this leadge and are in fantastic condition some of them are 20 pluse 30s and iv seen 1 that must be at least mid 40 ,its a challenging water but i think it fantastic you have got so much against you it drives you mad ,but i have been catching consitently now for a few weeks ,dont get me wrong this is no wonder rig you still have to find the areas where they are feeding and work hard at your craft i hope to have some photos for you all very soon
  20. i will very soon....
  21. this is a rig hat i have been developing myself over the last year it has took me a long time to get it right but well worth the wait iv had loads of fish since i have tweeked it down the last fish i caught was a 36 comon off moore qary just out side warrington and if anyone has fished it then you will see why i am made up with this rig the lake is a old sand pit of 8acers 45 feet deep with gin cleare water most people who fish it are hardend carp anglers some have never caught after 5 years fishing it some have had 1or 2 but there is some fantastic carp in this lake wich you can see day in day out just patroling the shelf but as soon as you put a line in they go like the clappers but this rig is working realy well and im having at least 1 fish a trip
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