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  1. Hi Garry, thiught it was you ...(no need to reply to the PM) The Causeway (as I call it) ...the bank that divides B1 and B2, has been left grow. Most of this bank now has reed cover with nice beds establishing in both corners...barn bank and the long bank.
  2. As John says, take another look at the website, the rules section has been corrected and tidied up. Bounty 2 doesn't have "fixed" swims as such. If you are on the Barn Bank there's at one end, a good holding area, so you'd probably end up fishing that end plus some baits out in the bay in front of you. Its easy to pitch close together on Barn Bank. Same can be said for the opposite side/corner - the reedy end is popular and you can pitch close together. We actually think that barbed hooks are slightly better insofar that they hold better and (some say) possibly cause less damage. We won't come all out and say "no barbless" but we prefer microbarbed hooks or barbed with the barbs flattened. Deffo NO full size barbs. If you are fishing a snag (like sunken trees) you must fish barbless...only one "tree" swim on B2 (not on Barn bank). Put simply it is essential that the rig can pull through the lead clip (if you use one). The swivel can be pushed into a lead clip (making it semi fixed) but that is OK provided it is not locked in place (some lead clips have a little bung type thing that you can push in to fix the swivel in place - this is not acceptable as it makes it fixed - basically we don't want any fish dragging leads around. This was a typo - NO nuts..of any type including tigers Hope that clears things up a bit. Steve
  3. Steve Fair enough Gaz.... it could be said I didn't quite pick up the jist of your reply m8, however, if you read HIS post properly you'll see that he actually said "I am looking for a bit of a runs water not to bothered about catching a monster", he didn't actally say he wasn't bothered about the size of fish! IMExp....most French Runs waters will be more prolific than the UK equivalents and generally give the angler a lot more space than in the UK. Also most decent Uk clublakes (or ticket lakes) are normally rammed full and unlikely to offer 4 guys exclusive use of even 2 acres of water let alone something bigger. For example we offer exclusive use of a 10 acre section of our main lake or exclusive use of a 2nd 5 acres lake. Most decent French fisheries will also be able to offer plenty of space and plenty of fish so.....like I said ....GO FOR IT M8 you'll LUV IT!
  4. gazmeesh and heskymo 23 what's with all the Bah Humbug!!? While your at at it peeps why go abroad to Spain...weve got beaches in the UK or why to Ireland for the Craic.....you can buy Guinness in English pubs!! Why go to France with his mates?......because he can! Go for it m8........you'll have a great time! PM'd ya Steve
  5. No problem m8. Just use the new LINKBRIKs from Personal Bait Services. Put as many as you need on your rig. Spray or brush on your flavour or food source to match your bait & chuck 'em out. They break down in 3-4 minutes no matter how cold the water.They are brilll and ....no PVA, no faffing around and you can even do it in pouring rain. Think Hutchy have something similar coming out but much slower breakdown time I believe.
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