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Everything posted by kingshaw

  1. All the best to to you Kim and Ian. as well as all other lake owners. We hope all have a good year. Not forgetting all the anglers that make the trek across the water. Have a great one where ever you may be going. Kev and Sue
  2. Hi There If you have a look at etangdekingshaw.co.uk it might be what you are after. Hope you have luck in finding the right venue
  3. Look forward to seeing you in may
  4. If it helps you decide. may the fish ate like crazy. we only had 2 guys for one week in may last year(being our first season) one guy had 14 fish with an average weight of 28lbish the other only had 4 but he had a new pb of 44lbs. October fished slower but the lake record came out at 47lb7. Hope that helps Sue
  5. Contact Kim and Iian at Rushes. Its a true runs water. Cracking owners and great food. If they cant help check out hookedonfrance.com. They have about 12lakes on thier books and give true honest advice
  6. you have a pm
  7. Should you take the plunge and I hope you do. I feel you will find driving in France a pleasure and not a hindrance. The motorway systems are very good with most only having 2 lanes of traffic, thus making it easier. No cars wzzing around you from all directions. You will also find once you are away from the port the traffic thins out dramatically. You may not see another vechile for miles. There are plenty of service staions on most motorways and in between these you will find picinic/toilet service areas. Some juntions/roundabouts can be tricky but if you take your time you should be fine. I have now lived in France for just over a year. Given the question would I rather drive in France or England. France would win hands down.
  8. Just to wish everyone a happy new year and may 2008 be a good one for all. Kev & Sue.
  9. you have a pm
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