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Everything posted by barbycarphunter

  1. 10mm Yellow pineapple pop ups work for me or Premier Matrix of course!
  2. Fished Drayton today, not one fish caught on the whole lake!! staggering! hardly anything come out for 2 months.
  3. I have had well over 400 carp out since April, mostly caught off the top with a spod and hooklink, me and Mark "Hutch" Hutchinson fished off the point(peg 19) about 3-4 weeks ago and caught 90 fish between us, (had 30 before 9am!!!) packed up at around 5pm, biggest was 18Ib 10oz, if you want to catch off the bottom then use small boilies(10mm) and fish tight to the island with a stocking, put plenty of spod in(pellets and boilies). Good luck and let me know how you get on. Andy.
  4. How did you get on at Dog Lane? You said you were night fishing it.
  5. If you want to fish at distance with a float and a boilie then try this, just recently i have been fishing a local lake with an island 100yds out, the fish cruise around the island on the surface or about a foot under, it is too far to get any freebies out there with a catapault so i use my spod, soon as the spod hits the water it is like a dinner bell going off for the fish, because they are so far out i think they feel safe and munch up the freebies in no time. What i have come up with is a hooklink on my spod, this is how to set-up, you will need a Korda skyraider long range spod if fishing around the 100yds+, i use a helicopter rig, clip the spod onto the snap swivel where you would normally put your lead on, the helicopter rig has tubing and the tubing will push onto your hooklink swivel to make it semi fixed, whaterever you do, DO NOT use a fixed spod because if you snap up with a fish it could be tethered up with a spod attached to it, the hooklink is simple, 8Ib mono approx 2ft in length with a size 10 hook with a hair, i fish with a white chocolate pop up but trimmed down with scissors to about 10mm, fill the spod with small floating pellets and away you go, i have been fishing this for about a month now, and it's fish after fish while everyone else is blanking, i have had nearly 100 carp from 5 day sessions, it is brilliant fun, it might not work on all waters but it does the trick where i fish, wont be long until everyone is doing it, it is bascially a bagging waggler but with a spod instead of a float. The Bagging Spodller rules!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. pegs to fish are 29, 30, 19 and 7, if you cant get on these then the disabled pegs near the toilet usually produce fish, 29 and 30 are best fished to the island(100 yards to the island) 8ft depth around the island, approx 12ft half way across, i fished peg 29 today(Sat 13th June) caught 17 carp and lost about 12, 2 caught on zigs the rest caught on my spod with a 2ft hooklink with a white trimmed pop up on the surface(hair rigged with a very short hair), spod filled with floaters and a sloppy mix with crushed hemp and hemp, make sure you take plenty of spod mix and dont be afraid to use it, most other people were blanking today because they were not putting the extra bait in and would just sit there not doing any hard work,remember there are loads of fish in this water along with 1000's of bream, they hoover the bait up in no time at all!!! Fish it like your in a match! the same could be said for places like Drayton, i fished there last week and put about 7kg of spod mix in, i finished the day with an arm aching 45 fish. If you put the hard work in then you will reap the rewards!!! Hope this helps.
  7. I have been fishing zig rigs for the last 2 weeks with about a 10 - 11ft hooklink(depending on depth of swim) as there are so many fish cruising around about 1ft under the surface, spod with very sloppy groundbait with crushed hemp and floating pellets and sinking pellets, this causes a massive cloud which sends the fish into a frenzy, as for bait i use a 14mm Richworth white chocolate pop up but trimmed all over with some scissors just to make a slightly different shape, last visit i had 19 fish, nothing massive, all between 8Ib and 15Ib, i had a mirror 3 weeks ago on a floater which was 21 1/2Ib, mainly a doubles water though!! Try this and you should bag up. Let me know how you get on?
  8. Hi, well worth the membership, it has it's good days and bad days, go and have a walk round and see what you think, my no.1 tip for plenty of carp is, fish with small hookbaits 10mm -14mm and yellow in colour with plenty of spod going in(hemp and pellets). Always works for me and i have never blanked!! Good Luck...
  9. Has anyone fished the carp lake at Dog Lane Fishery, I went for a walk around it today, there was nobody fishing so couldn't ask anyone. On the webpage it claims to have big fish 25lb+ but it's only about an acre if that!! If you have fished it then let me know.
  10. I think i'll give it a miss then. cheers Edited for swearing
  11. Thinking of joining a small syndicate water called Foxholes Fishery close to where i live, does anyone have any info on it, i have viewed the website and that looks pretty good but i would like to hear from maybe past members or present members. Cheers.
  12. Its owned by british waterways, day tickets £6 on the bank, its not fishing well at the moment, i had a walk along the dam wall where there were a couple of chaps fishing, one was float fishing and the other one carping, neither of them had a bite all day!!! Wait until the weather warms up a bit then try it. The water is still very cold. It can fish really well in the warmer months and the fish are in amazing condition running upto 20 pounds but most are lower doubles, i have heard a rumour that a 60 pound catfish was caught. A very pretty lake indeed.
  13. I used to fish a pool called Sheepy Magna about 20yrs ago, i know it had about 3ft of silt and it froze over killing the most of the fish as it was only about 2ft deep, i heard a rumour that it was back open and fishing again, anyone got any news on it???
  14. No braid at all including hook rigs!!!
  15. I'm going to be fishing a local water which has banned braid!! What is the best alternative for a hooklink, i dont find flurocarbon much good as it's too stiff, i need something soft, strong and supple, any ideas????
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