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Everything posted by dazc

  1. Cheers Mate. i will have a look at that
  2. Try Conway water gardens in rowin just outside of conway. day ticket water but some really good fish in there. really well stocked.
  3. No prob. its a good lake. You will get loads mate. But you just have to box clever. They are used to bollies so just cut them down like i said and you will get the craftey [censored]s.
  4. I went in may this year. Fishing was is really good. We was at the far end of the lake by the woods and by the landing stage. Loads of good carp. I was sucsessful with maggot clips from korda with a good stick mix. They seemed to like redband bird seed in your spod mix if you can get hold of it. its a good partical bait like hemp or good to mix with. Also i was sucsessful with running rig with braid hook link with a artifical maggot (red) threaded round the hook and a artifical piece of corn above bollie with the sides chopped off and the your hair stop. When you get there ask about the submerged tyres and the post at the far end of the lake. Good luck
  5. cheers mate. great help. havent really heard much about the place and it looks gourgeous place to fish. hope the weather i a bit kind to us when we go up. let you know how we get on.
  6. has anyone fished this place and what did they find was the best bait.
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