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Everything posted by paulo007

  1. Went today, not a bad place, the water was crystal clear and it was a bit shallow. Saw no movement at all and after 3 hours of trying lots of different things i gave up, I just got this feeling nothing was going to happen. Its a big water and I new nothing about it, if anybody does fish it and has info it would be greatly appreciated. Paul
  2. Hi all Has anybody fished Victory Quarry in dove holes near Buxton? I have been told it has lots of double figure carp up to 20lb and is a bit of a runs water. But that's all I know! Any other info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. I havnt heard of anything being caught on there of late, The balif wants it to be one of the best waters in the north, but he is doing nothing to improve it. Its dying a death that place. keep me updated mate
  4. Has anyone any catch reports on this water over august/november??
  5. Sounds really good where is Carrbrook?
  6. What is this water for £30??
  7. Been on twice, only for 2 12 hour day sessions. There have been loads fishing it but i still havnt heard of anything great coming out, no big carp anyway.
  8. Not sure if i understand what you have wrote there Martin?
  9. Thanks for your advice lads, it looks to me like this is a dieing water, John needs to do something to spice things up. Sooner or later people are not going to bother. I am going to give it another go in a month or so. Keep me posted and i will do the same.
  10. Anybody had much luck yet on here??
  11. Defo not a 38lb in coombs mate, Been speaking to sum people and they are coming out but its a waiting game. Gonna keep trying and will get there 1 day. P.s walked round today and 4 lads were on there with 11 rods between them and they had not had anything.
  12. A up lads Just returned from Gawsworth. Ha Ha what a waste of time, they are obviously still spawning. Got on there for 6am and saw a little movement but they wernt going mad, me and my mate set up opposite the island and chucked our 1st rods out with boilies on both over pva bags filled with pellets and hemp. Not a sniff all day, we had 1 knock each which i am putting down to a line bite anyway.I put my second in the margins where i saw a little movment in the first couple of hours in the morning. Got a run and landed a 1lb-2lb Chub.I baited the margins all day just little and often. Moved me rod around the lake and back to the margins.Nothing! Come 10am there was no movement at all. Spoke to John and he said they are spawning and because the weather is unusually cold they are taking a long time to do it and are showing no intrest in food. We tried everything but no luck. There were 2 lads in the corner with 3 rods each out and not even a knock on any, there were a few lads who came and went within a couple of hours. It hasnt put me off, just bad timing i suppose.Gonna try again in a month or so, let it warm up Anyway, keep up dated on how you all get on.
  13. I have heard today off the local tackle shop man that there are fish coming out and not to put much bait in. What methods did you use and baits? I will try something different to you and let you know how i get on, I am going with me mate and we are going to try allsorts. Paulo! P.s Heard the fish are in the margins at the mo, gonna put a line there.
  14. Cheers mate, have you fished it recently? How did you get on, you heard of much coming out??
  15. Fantastic mate That is great advice, i shall look out for these new winds and let you know how i get on. Any info i can help you with i would be glad to help. Thanks again. P.s keep me posted on your success and i will do the same.
  16. Thats fine about the pics mate, i am hoping to get my own. I am just a bit new to this fishing so the termonology is a bit hard to understand, do i sit facing the white horses as they break towards me, do i sit on the trout stream bank, i have seen the reservoir down years ago but i cant remember if i am honest. Where is the RED HOUSE and what are food baits?? I really appreciate this help, i hope you dont mind.
  17. Can you fish there from daylight in the morning or can you only go on from 6am??
  18. Thats great advice, thanks. Any chance of having a look at the pics of the carp out of there. When you say get on to ends of the winds do you mean cast with the wind or against it, It is such a big water i still dont have a clue where the best pegs are and where i stand a chance of catching.
  19. Hi mate, i have been out and fished it, i cant tell you how many times i have fished it, i have had loads of decent bream,perch and roach out but only recently heard about the carp in there. Could you tell me some locations to fish, i have tried down coombs road on the peg where it opens up near the green bench, casting towards the shallows, i have heard of these winds but how do you read them? Also are there any methods are specific baits i should use for these carp. Cheers mate
  20. Where you parked your car last time must of been in a lay bye on the main road between whaley and chapel, there is a sailing club on that side to. That is where everyone tends to do there night fishing, as the water is not owned by anyone (well British waterways own it but they dont enforce any rules or anything) you can pretty do what you want, there is always someone on,i walk round regular but alot of people are pike fishing. They have said that is very slow at the moment but i expect that is because the water is so full. I think its a matter of finding the fish, if you do that then you will catch, the water is so big so that bit is quite a challenge, thats why i posted to see if anyone had seen any movent or heard any tips on where the fish lye. Like your dad i have done alot of match fishing on there and that isnt to bad, had some good weights. It was only since last month that i have heard of these 50-60 carp which are apparently very old fish who fight like hell and are not below 20lb. Sounds good to me, its just finding the damm things and hooking them. lol I will have a walk round and keep you posted. Paul
  21. I have lived down the road from coombs reservoir, Chapel, Derbyshire. For 23 years and have fished it dozens of times as it is so local, But only recently i have heard a few people raving on about the big carp in there. I have spoken to 2 people now who have had Carp over 20lb. I honestly diddnt think there were any in there. Could anybody give me any info at all on this water?? Thanks Paul P.s it is free fishing at the moment as well.
  22. Hi I have had that same problem just recently, with being a previous pole fisherman i have a couple of diamond threaders and have used them to pass the braid through. It does work but it is still very tricky as the braid then doubles over and you have to pull it quite tight to get through, diamond threaders are metal so they will easly damage the braid. I think the answer is to buy the bigger eyed hooks, i use the Nash Fang Xsize 10s i use these with 12lb braid and you could get away with a heavier braid still. Hope this helps!
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