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Everything posted by acepestdetective

  1. Just got back from 2 weeks in Cornwall, a week of which we spent at Whiteacres. Went last year and had a good laugh but since then have been fishing a small syndicate pool with some cracking lads. Upon my return to W/A it reminded me of how completely clueless some people are when fishing. All we had most of the night is bloody great torches shining all over the water (and the same people wondering why they weren't catching). In the day the imbiciles behind me came for a walk and then proceded to run like linford christie back to their peg 40 yds away when they had a run scaring the hell out of the fish. And then there were those that have to batter their bivvy pegs in using a mallet. After studying the effects of sound on fish and their behaviour whilst reading for my BSc you wouldn't believe just how well sound travels thro water. You can hear a lead hitting the water 100 yds away no problemo! Anyway rant over for now but one things for sure I won't be rushing back to noddy ville for a while. Tis fine if you want to take the family and have a bit of fun but for serious fishing forget it. That said the staff were all really friendly and would always try and help you with a few tips if you asked. Anyhoots I came back with a smile on my face having caught 6 doubles (during 3 nights) with the biggest being a new P.B. at 20 lb 12 oz. Get in. Just a warning to those going (and it's been said before), take some ear plugs
  2. Sweet. Nice one chap, thanks for that will give it a go whilst i'm waiting for a brew then.
  3. Hey all. Have recently started to give snake bite a go as I'm gonna be doing a bit of cat fishing soon so want a coated line to use. The trouble is, with the coating left on the line tends to have a lot of memory when used straight off the spool and ends up looping up in the water as opposed to lying fairly straight on the bed. Anu suggestions?
  4. The basis of the rig are that you tie a piece of elastic just above the hooklink. There is an inline lead attached to the bottom of a length of John Roberts' stiff tubing (about 6'') through which the tag of the elastic is thread thro. The tag is then trapped in place at the top of the tube by means of a tail rubber. The idea is that when a fish tries to shed the hook using the lead as a pivot the elastic keeps a tight line at all times and even if the elastic snaps which it will sometimes this means no safety issue as the mainline runs straight thro to the hooklink. Good luck!
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