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Everything posted by bigrobbyault

  1. yeah they do hold the smell really well let us know how you get on
  2. yeah the bottom is just gravel and there isn't many snags in there at all i have found on the match lake that they follow the wind alot aswell and i always catch on maple or fushion boillies with a bit of fake corn
  3. thats true i did see that when that happenend last year but when i was there last the baliff told me most of the bigger ones where in the farm lake because he was trying to make that into a proper carp lake and make the match lake a match lake but i take my kids down quite alot and when the water leavel is up i try and fish to the island on the match lake to the left when you come through the gates and all i use is a pva mash bag with a couple of small pellets and choped up bollies with a quick link rig on so i can thred it through the middle of the bag with just a 14mm boillie toped with a bit of fake corn and you can bag up all day lone there. ok there not big fish but they fight well and put a good bend in the rods
  4. hi i have been fishing up willows for years and as far as i know i think there is a bar that runs through from where the point is the match lake is mainly the smaller carp in there now im not 100% sure but i think they moved alot of them into the farm lake
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