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  1. Sorry for long delays, I've fished R Medway at Teston above weir opposite hanging trees but have only had Carp to 12 lbs - they fight like a pack of dogs and use every branch, rock and obstacle they can find - no plodders there! I'll be back this season as just bought bait boat to get everything under trees. I'm now going to be concentrating my fishing on R Medway at Maidstone as I fished a lake in Paddock Wood ( I'm gonna name it! Orchard Place Farm in Paddock Wood 3 months ago and saw stocking of 4 fish from the River Medway caught at Maidstone Town stretch at night, 34lbs, 31 lbs, 24lbs and an 18 lber These fish probably have names now and boilie guts - needless to say I havn't fished these lakes since - It is theft. If anyone's interested let me know.
  2. I've been told River Medway at Teston has a few Carp to 35lb and Barbel to double figures so i'll be trying there, I'll keep you informed of my catches - If any. If anyone wants to come along PM me (I'm from Sheerness and had a few carp from canals just over old bridge on right handside) , I wont actually be fishing River till weather warms up and water not so coloured.
  3. Hi to all, I've been doing alot of Carping on canals (up North in Worksop - so if anyone wants advice I'm your man 150 carp to 29lbs in 4 seasons)but have moved back South and Wish to explore Rivers more and need advice and tips on where to fish - even if only snippets of Information, baits, general location, stock etc. I look forward to hearing from you
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