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  1. Ive fished it down there - Moor Lane... It was a popular match stretch going back a fair few years. Theres some cracking sport in the canals in the inner cities.... Ive seen those fish - its so clear down there and theres all sorts of species. I used to get the odd carp on bread had a few - I worked up the road from there and spotted loads all the time..Oh what size were they going to fella?
  2. I do a lot of carping on the rivers - If its really still you can get away with a stiffer hooklink and tubing or leadcore. If its running a bit - Try mono right through as it more supple. I find that river carp love really smelly baits and they must be easier to locate....
  3. My pal Lee had a 31lb common out - they go bigger...loads of twenties in here but too many people know now!! Had a night there in march torrential rain and still caught...Sturgeon dont mind the colder weather either...
  4. J R Tolkien grew up in Moseley birmingham (A fellow brummy). Many street names in Moseley now reflect the names from the middle earth in the book...
  5. I loved the book too by Alex Garland - One of my all time faves... He has done another book - 'The casaract' Its in a soimilar vien - Based in a hhot and humid country the city of Manilla i think follows an underwordly figure - Pretty gripping stuff..He has business to attend to in Detroit and the main charachter ends up getting deeper into a conspiracy..
  6. Sounds a cool read - Ive read similar books 'Class of 88' is an awesome read!!! Mark Anthony - Covers his early days on the rave scene as a promoter - pirate radio and the wicked acid house outdoors parties.. Was anarchy mate!!
  7. Check out Ian Heaps Fishery - Anglers Paradise in Devon....Loads to go at!
  8. yes Ian Its Barston - A typo on my part! Should be a good bet for the chap and its in his locality...I fished it last a couple of years ago - Once in the snow - Still caught! Good head of fish... Id suggest anypone call 1st to ensure there are no matches on!
  9. loads of places o go pal... Willesley is beautiful with some smashing fish and theres Weston Lawns near Bedworth. Maybe you could try bardon near the NEC...
  10. Cheers Ian.... I know the place now - Me and my younger brother tried them years ago...We managed a few small carp. It was a winter when we went and it was a barren looking place.. The 1st pool is rectangle and quite large whilst the others are smaller steep sloped holes in the ground...The place isnt looked after at all.
  11. Ive never heard of it mate... I thought i knew of most venues around here... Whereabouts is it ? - Im interested now!!
  12. Yeah im disdsapointed with the way the shutty lake has gone. The older bigger fish are in fishy heaven now. Theres estimated to be a dozen or so of the older fish. The restocking over a 2 year period included around 50 or so fish. Mainly 7-8 lb with some larger. The Cov lake / river is a better bet across the road.. Borrow pit is fishing OK - My pal had 3 gorgeous commons to 16.5 lb during the day. Lovely looking fish...I saw loads of them too so thingfs looking up. I definitely saw mugfish aswell and its nice to see so many fish after the floods a while back.
  13. Allo there - how did you get on at willesley?? Can anyone let me know of any recent reports? I hope to get down for an overnighter midweek! Cheers guys......
  14. Big scale the largest inhabitant came out of borrowpit at 31 lb the day after my session!!!!!!! grrr!
  15. Well we had low pressure, warmer water, fishing facing a warm SW Wind and rain! All great! No fish though! During the day the tuftys took a liking to my red fish boilies even in 8 feet of water!! They really are efficient at finding bait! 5 RODS between me and my pal but not a sniff! Thats my 3 rd blank in a row on 3 hard carp waters - Elfpord Shutty and borrowpit! Next session is at Mineral lakes for a few guarenteed fish and a restore on confidence! Bah.....!!
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