carnt somthing be done about these fish kills if its the oxygen levels in the water and you say the aireator isnt working properly shorly thats neglect somthing needs to be done about it what about the people fishing it are they to expect to lose fish every 10 years.And why arnt the trees cleared and thinned out to produce better water quality the swims need raising 2 or 3 feet lets face it the swims arnt great there wet ALL the time and there isnt that many fishable swims and now the rules far enough rules are there to be followed i understand that but how can these rules be followed when if you say 1 person can put more bait in what message is this sending out to other anglers 1 rule for 1 1 for another.I no this seems like a rant but this place could be a little gem if looked after properly its got history an everything a carper could want if moulded and pushed in the right direction it could be one of the better waters in suffolk.