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  1. Hi. What do you use. tying on a swevel or use a loop knot on al kwick lick/stcik klips? Sorry duds. iam drunk and i donte write so good now
  2. Hello, Iam looking for a good hook to snag fishing. //Robert
  3. ohhh i find a product ¨who is for kiwik link....i will knot my hooklink on an loop link. Palomar Knot. the knot is much stronger then a loop knot. I realy fink thay are great! what do you think? whant to se pic. on the loop link? copy this and you will find it if you klick on swevels pic. http://www.korda.co.uk/systems/systems.html
  4. Donte you ever had a problem even if you use Floro matrial? I have....but only whit the FC thay are very nice becouse you cant switch tackler fast!
  5. Hello everybody! i just wonder if you use kwik link on you carp tackle, persenoly i donte like them because the hook link vill snap off much easy because you use a loop knot, especially FC matrial. here is a kwik link if you donte now what it is.
  6. I realy like Korda LongShank X....Realy strong and hook the fish good...i alwso like Wide Gape...realy good and sharp! good stuff from Korda boys! I alwso read that the BRITISH RECORD on karp was taking on a Korda longshank x Size 6 and READ THIS KORDA NEWS! BIG PUSSY ON A LONGSHANK! A recent three day carping trip to the River Ebro in Spain proved to be a little trickier than first anticipated due to spawning. Dispite ridiculous temperatures reaching 43 degree's, some carp still fed as the lads endured the heat, and they managed to bag a dozen fish each up to 28lb. The mass of activity from the carp had attracted the attention of many large catfish and it wasn't long before Brett hooked into a large specimen. After forty-five minutes the beast appeared in the margins and the fun was yet to begin, after many hilarious attempts at getting it in a 42" net they finally managed and the 165lb lump was landed. If ever you needed any proof that Korda hooks are up to the job then this is it! Brett was using a size 4 Long Shank x hook with a Halibut pellet on the hair, this was accompanied by a stick of crushed pellets soaked in Solar Slayer Oil. A four ounce Big Grippa was required to hold bottom, this was fished on a Korda lead clip on 15lb mainline. Just 30 minutes after that one Brett bagged another chunk that weighed in at 115lb!!
  7. Hi mate. Thx for the welcome I want i hook link for my combi riggs...i want it invisible and strong... And i also want i new FC matial for my D riggs, stiff rigg, and my maggot popup rigg...i have try Kordas IQ but iam not so impress like my mate was. so give me someone example:) I realy want to try Kryston Matrial like Snake bait. Mantis. Silk Worm..but in sweden is it realy hard to get them. we most buy it i uk
  8. Hello....iam going to buy new hooklinks but i donte now what kind iam going to buy...help me whit someone tips. this one i think iam going to buy - Sufix NuFlex - Sufix Heavy Silk - Sufix Silky Soft - Korda Hybrid give me more example plz
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