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  1. Wicked cheers lads. Will bare this in mind.
  2. hi mate, the fish go up to around 15lb (not the biggest but i get to fish for free! (cant grumble!)
  3. Hi guys, You may have read my other post on the other section. But to you guys who havent, i hope you can help me/give me advice. Right, i am going to fish a privrate lake not far from my house. BUT . . . its a tiny lake. Considering this i wondered if there are any types of rigs that would preform better in such a small lake. Maybe not, but any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanx Guys.
  4. I prefer to use the wide gape hooks over any others.
  5. Me niether!
  6. It's exactly the same as a 'normal' blood knot but once you've gone up the line 5 or 6 times & put the tag end through the small loop... you then tuck the tag end through the big loop you create. there is a forum on knots, check it out. Hope this helps thanx m8 will try this in the near future.
  7. what is the difference m8?
  8. hello people, i am new to this forum. i find that tying a simple blood knot is very strong yet very simple to use when tying your hooklength onto the mainline.
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