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Posts posted by carpio_rom

  1. @daleg, I wouldn't advice useing a verry thin braid. It will cut the fish's mouth quite badly. I've seen it happen and belive me it wasn't a pretty sight.

    As for the hair tied on the shank it couldn't be easyer. A Grinned knot should solve it.k

  2. Maybe it isn't of any use my advice to slimeysime now, but to other guys may be usefull in the future.

    For silty waters the best leads are the Trilobe leads, better if in-line. This leads when enter the water start raise the nose and slow down. So were where a dumpy pear or a flat pear lead starts drilling for oil, the trilobe lead setteles on the lake bed and it gives the fish a chance to see your bait.

    The solution with the PVA bag is also good as long as you don't pierce the bag. The air that is traped inside the bag slows it's descend.

    Hope it helps, Mihai!

  3. I must say that KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is what I embrace this days. After Reading Nick's test about leadcore I've stoped using the thing completely.

    To me the running rig is the safest rig that was ever invented. No leader, no beads, nothing that could harm the fish in any way.

    Everyone likes to think that his rig is safe but there are manny out there that make their rigs after they heard someone has caught a biggie on the latest wonder rig.

    I've allready found 3 death rigs at my lake and it's only the beginig of the seasson. ( here it is anyway).

    Sorry if it's a bit of a rambling, but had to get it of my chest.

    Tight lines, Mihai!

  4. Hi, I would like to state my opinion about the line aligner.

    At the begining of the auttum I tested 3 rigs: 1 line aligner (the Jim Gibbinson one); 2nd rig was just with the shrink tube curved; 3rd rig was a simple knotless knot. The hooks were size 6 Fox SSSP, the hooklenght was 15lb Mantis.

    In 2 months time I've made 10 sessions of 48h. The Line Aligner rig has cought the most fishes then the knotless knot rig and last the rig with the shrink tube curved.

    14 fish from 12lbs to29lbs for the Line Aligner rig; 9 fish from 13lbs to18lbs for the Knotless Knot rig and 3 fish from 8lbs to 11lbs for the curved shrink tube rig.

    I will continue the tests in the spring 'till the end of fall and that will have more substance.

    Tight lines, Mihai!

  5. i have had a similar problem with the striptease, it's great stuff when the coating doesn't break at the knot, does anyone know a way around this as i have found the colour to be perfect for the lakes i fish and therefore do not want to change the product.


    I've had similar problem with the Stelth Skin and I've seen that if u wet the knot with plenty saliva or even sink it in water it doesn't break.

  6. hi, why don't you try the split shots that the match fishing guys use? It's a soft lead so you can open it with your nails and it's easy to put it on your line. I'm using Dinsmores and never have my line kinked. Or, if you don't trust the shots you can use putty and that will defenetly not cause any problems.

  7. I also changed from a bolt rig to a running rig but with a big bead fixed on the tubing about 2 feet from the swivel; to give the fish a jolt once they were running confidently, which also seems to have improved the quality of my runs.


    got to admit mate, that sounds an aweful lot like a death rig unless there's some other detail that you've omitted


    i don't think is a death rig, i think is the-now famous- "Shocker Rig",don't you, guys?

  8. From Suffix i use only the uncoated 1s like Silky Soft,Hercu-line Blen&Suffix Heavy. The coated 1s are not so good around here becose the coating is very breakable.I mean when i'm trying to ty the Stealth to a swivel with a griner knot 'when I'm pulling to tighten the knot it makes a hinge becose the coating will breake.But I think u don't have problems like that with your hooklinks.

    So I bought Kryston Mantis&Mantis Gold and the broblem was gone.

    Hope it helps,Mihai.

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