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  1. yes we was fishing marios lake...
  2. thanks for your input pezza, as i said it is a lovely looking lake and the pictures of the fish we saw looked superb. It was just the false impression we had been given by the bailiff, he seems to tell people exactly what they want to hear! We spoke to Bob twice prior to our visit and each time he told us the lake would not be fully booked and that loads of fish had been coming out from nearly every swim on the lake! We was told the cats where a lot bigger and there was a lot more of them too! Another angler on our visit said he had been told there was about 50 cats to well over 45lb! When you travel for two hours to get to a lake that you have been told is fishing its nuts off and you find most of the swims are occupied and nothing much was coming out, thats a joke!! Why do these fishery owners do this? must be down to making as much short term money as possible. Atleast people can get a clearer image of the place from the points raised.
  3. Hi fellow cobble victim, didnt think we would be the only people to have had a bad experience at this lake! That is correct what you say about the money making aspect! We got the same impression that the place is just a money making exercise and the fish are made to suffer for it. If only these fisheries would give their investment some appreciation, the fish need time to recover from constant bombardment of fishing pressure. The second morning we heard the owner telling some new arrivals that several fish had been caught close to the island from the Lawn swim, but as we where fishing the lawn swim and only had one fish from the reeds, not the island. What story did you get about the catfish? The bailiff told us they had over forty cats to 45lb and none had come out this year but was told by a regular angler this was rubbish. The cats go to 35lb and there is only 10 present even though they advertise a lot more! We get the idea that this Bob bloke is on commission for every day ticket he sells and to do this he spurts a load of crap making out the fishery is the nuts!!!!! think this place has seen better days, shame as it is a lovely looking lake.
  4. Has anyone fished cobbleacre lakes in norfolk? A lovely lake with two islands. We decided to go for a 3 night session on the specimen lake as we had been told it was an excellent fishery with some lovely carp and lots of big cats. We made the booking and was told by latest bailiff Bob there would be no more than 8 anglers fishing the lake, excellent we thought. We contacted the fishery a few days before our visit and was told "its fishing its nuts off mate, you will get loads out". We couldnt wait to get there. We arrived at the fishery on Friday morning after a 2hr drive only to find most of the swims where occupied! We found the bailiff Bob to see what was going on and found out he had fully booked the lake with 15 anglers and the lake only has 15 swims! not impressed as we was told there would only be 8 of us. So we had to wait for swims to free up! Bob all so told us that it was fishing really well but when we spoke to the other anglers, hardly anything had been caught all week, think the bailiff must have talking about another lake! once we did get fishing we soon realised that this was not the easy lake we had been lead to believe. No fish where landed in the first 24hrs by anyone but we did manage to stalk 2 out of the reeds on crust. A 18lb mirror and a 12lb common, apperently there are no fish under 15lb so that was not true! Nothing else came out in the next 24hrs even though the bailiff told us different! Let us know if you have fished this place lately. And the tiolets where full of crap too!
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