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Everything posted by tombolt

  1. Agree'd with Sam. Went last weekend and had 5 fish in total of 15lb , 4 19lb'ers, and a 20. All caught on cell boilies off the point ( the furthest left swim and supposedly the best swim. If you get on feeding fish you'll almost surely catch. Don't over feed or they tend to shy off the feed.
  2. Thanks
  3. You'd think so Dont think they'd be too happy about it though Never the less i think im going to go for pva bags of pellets with a single grain of popped up plastic sweetcorn, along with one with a bright yellow popup, and if the fish are showing on the surface try some zig rigs with small bits of popup foam and small hooks. http://www.linear-fisheries.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=topstories.showstory&story_id=32F3890B-5FB4-43C8-90DF-295139EF6219&year=2007 :'( Why didnt that work for me
  4. tombolt

    No lead

    Thanks will take a look at it
  5. The lake is stocked with 3000 carp and it regularly apears in magazines and on the television, they even have a latest catches page on the website http://www.linear-fisheries.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=latestcatches.start it seemed before i started fishing there every time i looked at it, it was filled with that particular lake with these mass hauling of fish But ofcourse since i started fishing their the fish arent so easy to come by. The lake only opened a couple of years ago and is heavily fished, and the carp i guess have wised up to regular tactics. Thats why i mentioned small hookbaits and small hooks. People turn up there spod out kilo's of bait and expect to catch ( i did ) so im thinking maybe the fish avoid these big areas of bait because they have wised up and associate it with being caught and they just feed on for example the back spray of the spodding or have become very wary of rigs. I have heard (especially in the winter) single small hookbaits and hooks can often be very productive when nothing else catches.
  6. I have fished this lake 3 times this year each time expecting to bag up on fish as it is a renound runs water. First time was in July and i used Method feeder and blanked along with everyone on the lake. I put this failure down to the lake closing down the next day due to infection. I revisited it in August when the fish had recovered once again expecting to bag up on this 'easy' catch venue. This time i tried PVA bags at range on a heavily spodded area with a cloudy mix along with Zig rigs. Once again i blanked with only one or 2 fish being caught in the 24 hours i was there. Once again i put this down to the fish prehaps not being completely over their infection and not feeding. I went again late september and there was only 4 or 5 people on the lake and only 2 managed to catch one fish. Once again i blanked. I have done a lot of research and asked a lot of questions on this water and there are stories of people catching up to 50 fish in just a 24 hour session. Am i doing something wrong? Is the lake performing very badly? Do the fish only feed in certain weather conditions on this lake? Im begining to doubt my confidence as an angler and i was wondering if anyone could shed some light on my failure. I plan to visit there again in the winter using very small bright hookbaits with small size 12 or smaller hooks over a lightly spodded area.
  7. tombolt

    No lead

    I was reading some older threads on running/shocker vs bolt / semfixed rigs and it seemed a lot of people prefer running rig with slack lines due to no resistance. I've also read elsewhere that when fishing in the margins using no lead and going straight to the hookbait with your mainline fishing slack lines can be very effective. Surely this type of rig would cause even less resistance to the carp and can provide some very good bite indication and on certain waters where the carp are wary of leads and such this could be very effective. I would just like to hear some other peoples opinions on this
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