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Everything posted by 1bigcarp
talking to andy last week and he said it was booked fri sat sun for 2-3 weeks, i haven't fished it since last nov itching to get back down there.it certainly seems more busier than last year,i think if you want to go its best to go mid week
hi mate it dosen,t get full of kids like the old its a lot better,the weed is quite bad but only on the backside of the lake but you can still catch fish from there ,andya84 knows all about that.when it first opened it was rife with weed all over but bob has done a good job of getting rid of the majority of it. cheers jas
hi andy hows it going i had a ride down today no one there though,the water has certainly gained some depth since i was there last,couldnt see a great deal of weed didnt walk all the way round,do you know if its been treated at all since last year.have you heard what the membership cost is for this year,is it the same as last year.you will have to let me know when you are down there and i will come and have chat with you cheers jas
hi andy there still feeding then,where abouts did you fish.the last time i went was the week after bonfire night,it was blowing a gale,i think there was about 11 others on the lake.i done my usual and blanked so thats 10th time and 2 cats out still,the three chaps to the right of me and the 2 to the left of me also blanked,didnt really hear a lot of action at all that night,mind you i did get treated to free viewing of the fireworks in the village that night.might try and get a night in between xmas and the new year. cheers jas
found out a bit more info apparantely london brick own it and yes it is free fishing apart from the obvious licence,think its known as LB1 but dont quote me on that it has done a few thirtys and several twentys a few years ago but rumours has it that some of the fish went walkies also it is advised not to night fish it alone might be worth doing a google on LB1 brick pits or brick pits in stanground etc etc
im doing a night there saturday hoping this cold weather has spurred them onto feeding the website is now up and running www.willowcroftfisheries.co.uk
ive read somewhere on another forum but the lake in question is free fishing if i remember rightly ,bit dodgy on leaving your car around there apparantely quite a few undesirables around there at night,dont know what it holds if i can find where i saw about it i will let you know
done another night and guess what i blanked again,had a few bleeps at 8ish and 1 single bleep at 3 o clock,it was a clear cold night with a touch of ground frost in the morning.the lake was very calm through the night,not a ripple on it,and very little in the way of fish crashing and topping in the night .maybe it would of been better with a bit of wind on the lake,who knows.the bloke next to me also had nothing although he has been there since thursday and had one catfish and he was in the digger swim fishing into the weed.oh well better luck next time watch this space jas
cheers andy be nice if i can get on there defenitely want to give it bash into the weed hopefully it will keep cool enough for the carp to get there heads down and feed jas
im down there this saturday i have booked this time not missing out this time hope to catch at least a twenty fed up being stuck on 18 lb cheers jas
so what peg did you fish on mate? did you have much bleeps through the night.im also not put off by the fact that i have been 8 times now and only had 2 cats,will keep going till i get a good un
the cold front might just push them on to the bottom because just lately they have been in the upper water,as for the depths it varies from 2to3 feet to roughly 6or7 plus the water is down a foot at the moment. all the best mate tight lines
no fished the first swim as you come up the left hand side.there was 2 people down the normal side.1 fella who was fishing where the digger is,he was fishing right in the weed getting plenty as well,but during the night he had several runs but was not striking for at least a good 20 seconds if not more.there was a couple of lads down that end one of them first time down there 39lb carp smashed his pb of 19lb.but they had packed up after i had set up.so that left 3 of us on the lake last night very quiet,hoping to get down again in couple of weeks think im gonna give it a go right in the weed cheers jas
well done another night last night,it is now my 8th night on this lake,had a swap about on my rigs made 1 about 14 inchs long and the other slightly shorter but on a 360 rig had several knocks on both,but at half 2 i had a screaming run i hooked into what i thought was a carp but as i got it in closer it started ripping line off, yes a catfish,weighing in at 18lb8oz.my only one but i didn,t blank for a change
hi andy i have been using a standard bolt rig,the actual rig is only roughly 4 inches long i think that when i do get a pick up,with the weight being so near it could be spooking them.the next time i go there i will be using a running rig set up as i always used to use that at the old willlowcroft and i never had any trouble with it. as for the where have i been fishing well last saturday i was fishing nearly next to you i was on the corner near the pipe,i came over to you when you caught that israeli,the only bank i haven,t fished is the weedy bank cheers jas
so that explains why i haven,t caught in the last 7 weeks the [censored]s have other things on there minds lol .they want to be done by next week cuz i want catch one of them
went on saturday night and had 4 bleeps all through the night.so much for seventh time lucky,oh well, i will be going again in a couple of weeks gonna have a switch about with my rigs,try something different for a change.
well fished it again i certainely had an improvement on previous sessions,well sort of.i am starting to think that putting big beds of bait out dosen,t work for me,last night i was putting a single boilie out and half a dozen in a pva mesh,and i hooked into 3 good solid fish but never managed to land them but hey thats fishing ,also throughout the night i had a lot of liners and drop backs but not enough to strike into .like i said the big bed of bait didn,t even get me a single bleep all night. oh well i wil go for seventh time lucky
well after the success of finally catching last week i had another night last night,and what a surprise i blanked. i,m having a job finding the right bait to catch them on every thing keeps going pear shaped on me,the wind changed direction in the night,don,t know if this had any effect on it.it certainely didn,t effect syholl,s fishing well done to him.will be giving it another go on wednesday night
hi mate there was 8 other people down there. my winning tactics was bolt rig with squid and anchovy boilie presented on 3 kilo of halibut pellets and a handful of boilies. there has been quite a bit out lately 1 person in particular who fished from friday till today done very well,no doubt he will being sharing his success later if he isn,t too tired. the owner said last saturday there was a 44lb7oz carp out,been some cracking fish out just lately,hopefully i will have a chance of the bigger lumps now.
i have finally done it after blanking the last 3 times here i went last night and caught myself a 20lb 2oz catfish cant wait till the next time now hopefully try and beat my pb of 18lb carp
well done mate i have been there for the last 3 weeks and blanked.what baits and methods were you using if you dont mind me asking,also where abouts on the lake was you fishing.might give it another go tonight
ru down there tonight andy,could do with a few tips,might fish the far bank,being as many people don,t fish it
you can only book if you are a member so its a case of just turning up.i put the phone numbers in a previous post if you want to give them a bell before you go,to get some info on the place
done my night session another blank,had a few knocks up to 11o clock then had a run ,which i missed due to fact that if i had ran out my bivvy i would have ended face first in the mud or the lake didnt fancy either of them plenty of fish moving and rolling about around me, others were catching.oh well 3rd time lucky