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  1. if you grease up the line inbetween the float and your hook bait the line shuld float on top of the water so that it doesnt sink and make your hookbait drift to you float. i know u can buy some sort of grease for this but im not sure where you can get this but this shuld help:D also you can buy floating casting putty which will stop ur line sinking and wont drift so near you float if u put it inbetween your float and hookbait:D
  2. cheers
  3. ye i use hair rigs which i make myself thats fine its just the knot that i use to tie my mainline to the swivel with my hair rig on that im not sure about
  4. i currently use the granny knot to tie on my swivels e.t.c. but im not sure if this is strong and i wondered if there are any better knots i could tie to make sure i have a strong knot and not have to worry bout it comin un-done or snapping? also wen tying the granny knot and pulling it tight at the end the line behind the knot goes all curly can i prevent this??
  5. i was thinking the other day if you have a braided hooklink not coated and you cast the lead will sink down first to the bottom and the hair rig will fall down on top of the lead and coil up around it wont it? this means that the carp are eating your bait right next to lead! but i have used braided hooklinks and caught which means the carp cant really be spooking off the lead or anytihng else ???
  6. i use the fox series 2 and these have to be the worse hooks i have ever used they are sharp but go blunt easy and they bend easy and the point always bends, i have changed to korda wide gape and they are much better:D :D
  7. do u have a picture or diagrom of that one?
  8. so what does this line aliner help to do beacouse this looks really odd??
  9. does any one have a good diagrom to show me how to make a line aliner because i am a bit confused and sounds goos or can anyone explain it in good detail?>?
  10. i put shrink tubing on my rigs now but i havent used them, does it make a big difference and mine is clear is there any other colours that are better? and what is the most effective way to use shrink tube on your rigs?
  11. currently i use 15lb korda iQ (flurocarbon) for my hooklink but i dont know weather to change to braided hooklinks coated or not? which one would you recomend ?? i dont think that flourocarbon lays flat on the bottom either, does anyone know from expierence?
  12. cheers!! if there are any more ideas then i would still like to know please
  13. i go down my local canal alot and i will b goin soon but i have a big problem with the crayfish eating my bait is there anything i can do to prevent this???? i really dont know what to do apart from using artificial baits which i really dont like doing ???
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