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Everything posted by carpholic

  1. It is a cracking place. average size seems to be high doubles and low 20's, mostly commons. Most pegs will produce fish, but the first few and last few pegs seem to be more productive. When ive been down there in the past, nearly all of my fish have come at night, so keep that in mind. Theres not really any need for fancy rigs ect down there, stick with a good quality bait and reliable rigs and you will be fine.
  2. Sounds like the boat hut, peg 30? They were just low doubles. The match lake fishes very well during the summer months by the way, often better than the old lake, can catch em from right down the edge, even during the day time. Im down there tomorrow afternoon until weds evening on the old lake, see if the big girls are on the feed yet.
  3. afternoon lads, planning on trying to get on bainton this year, but i know its often hard to get on. So i had a walk around Lolham the other day which is just up the road from bainton, ive heard that its very low stock and can be abit moody? im after some info on how to go about joining up and what sort of price im looking at ect. cheers
  4. Lovells is fishing very hard at the moment. Done 6 nights on the old lake since this cold spell has been here, and ive only managed the 2 fish! havnt seen any fish activity for a while now. If i was to fish any where down there it would be infront of pegs 25 and peg 20. Fish tight to the snags and fish with small bright pop-ups. But it is hard going.
  5. The only runs water at bluebell is mallard. Both bluebell lake itself and sandmartin arnt a push over by any means, they know their being fished for so you will need to think about your aproach. As already said, kingfisher and swan are hard lakes to fish most of the time, you could hit it at the right time but be prepared for alot of blanks.
  6. your post's make no sense at all mate
  7. helo, i used to fish down at gedney alot last summer, i did fairly well taking fish to just over 20lbs. Also had loads of 17's and 18's ect. Its a very easy water to fish to be fair, not exactly a purpose made carp water, more of a match lake with a few bigger fish thrown in. Big baits is the key down there from my experience, fish with either 18's or 20mm baits with small patches of bait. As for lovells well ive got a season ticket on there at the moment and its a cracking lake, very mature and the fish in there are real lookers. However if your planning on fishing it the old lake is infested with crayfish. so forget your soft baits, either fake plastic baits or meshed baits is the way to go. also bare in mind that its more of a night time water, 90% of the fish i get comes in the evenings and after darkness.
  8. what i do is thread a peice of rig tubing or shrink tube through the eye of the controller, around 3cm in length, then thread this onto your mainline and then tie on you hooklink and pull the tubing back so the swivvel attached to you hook link sits firmly inside it
  9. do you know how to tie the knotless knot rig mate?? it really is simple..do a search
  10. i would choose catch 22 mate! me and three others have been there a few times the past year or so and its a great place, especially now the cafe is up and running. we went last august for a week and the fishing was really good, we had around 25 fish between us which all got caught during the night. they seem to be mainly night feeders at catch 22 ive found. i would fish with small hookbaits and tiny pva bags on the gravel patches to start of with, and if you start catching and the fish seem to be on the feed i would introduce some bait. but overall its a teriffic place with good facilities ect..god luck
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