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    rugby, fishing, and stuff :P

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  1. Right I thought as much. I reckon I'll stick with it, as it seems to be different from the other anglers. Good to be back on the forums
  2. chrisjames


    Evening all! Just started fishing again after life got in the way. A number of people at my club run tubing up the line just beyond the swivel. I've never done that, but not sure if it's something I'm missing? I like the rig tied to swivel tied to line with the weight just on the line. Am I missing something? Cheers
  3. on a hair rig or on the hook?
  4. im a member of the club now...that is the one that is closed season atm lol
  5. well...its closed season at my club now...and my local water is now officially private.. so i don't know where to fish so i am asking you nice people if anyone knows any good day ticket lakes in hertfordshire (as close as poss to watford lol) thanks people chris
  6. i have used up to 7ft long rigs when using a zig rig in the summer and sometimes the winter when the carp are cruising higer in the water and have used a rig as small as 3 inches when i am looking for quicker indication and fishing for less warey carp
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