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    Out on the bank or in my bivvy

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  1. wurzey

    zig rigs

    mostly mono mate and as courtz said a size 10 hook
  2. wurzey


    some type or light strong mono mate
  3. ye it dont rock my boat eather but i would buy there products like there boiles and rods
  4. they cant make all bad stuff
  5. whats wrong with nash
  6. ok thanks alot mate
  7. have you ever used this rig and had action on it
  8. ye its workin fine now cheers
  9. oh its worked now thanks alot
  10. is said that theres no fred specifide:rolleyes:
  11. can eneyone give me eney information on how to stop a zig rig tangle im use a stiff coted brade but it still seems to tagle most ofthe time eney surgestions on how to stop this eney help thanks:rolleyes:
  12. are u up and ready for school courtz like me lol
  13. i need to no how to do a shock leader and wht is dose and how i go about doing it
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